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Burpees may be effective but they are still dumb.

Mr. Horton thinks YOU don't do them the right way... :p

considering he doesn't know who I am, I doubt he thinks anything about how I do my burpees
do you add the jump at the end?

yes, where as the gentleman of this board do not (you would think they would RATHER me jump at the end)
I thought the debate was whether you do the pushup. I agree the jump is part of it.

Mr. Horton thinks YOU don't do them the right way... :p

considering he doesn't know who I am, I doubt he thinks anything about how I do my burpees
do you add the jump at the end?

yes, where as the gentleman of this board do not (you would think they would RATHER me jump at the end)
I thought the debate was whether you do the pushup. I agree the jump is part of it.

I thought that we agreed the push-up was in and the jump was what we were debating... geeze, you are so confused you don't even know what way was your way (he he he)

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