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Burpees are dumb

ummmmm... no, my friend, burpees are probably the most effective form of body weight training that was invented (exageration I'm sure but they are quite effective by combining your cardio with your weight training and allowing a person to achieve a very high peak of calories burned per minute)

^Nothing new there
what does that mean?
that you're a dumber than a bag of bricks tree hugger

talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

LOL! Yer bark getting rubbed the wrong way Matt?

Is there a euphemism here or am I searching too hard?

ummmmm... no, my friend, burpees are probably the most effective form of body weight training that was invented (exageration I'm sure but they are quite effective by combining your cardio with your weight training and allowing a person to achieve a very high peak of calories burned per minute)
:plusone: They throw these in quite a bit in P90X3 and they work very well at getting your target heart rate up. I like them.

ummmmm... no, my friend, burpees are probably the most effective form of body weight training that was invented (exageration I'm sure but they are quite effective by combining your cardio with your weight training and allowing a person to achieve a very high peak of calories burned per minute)
:plusone: They throw these in quite a bit in P90X3 and they work very well at getting your target heart rate up. I like them.

Hell, just walking to the refrigerator gets my target heart rate up.

ummmmm... no, my friend, burpees are probably the most effective form of body weight training that was invented (exageration I'm sure but they are quite effective by combining your cardio with your weight training and allowing a person to achieve a very high peak of calories burned per minute)
:plusone: They throw these in quite a bit in P90X3 and they work very well at getting your target heart rate up. I like them.

I like them more...

Well, no basketball hoop for me last weekend. Thing was a piece of crap. I'm just going to buy a new one at walmart for $100.

ummmmm... no, my friend, burpees are probably the most effective form of body weight training that was invented (exageration I'm sure but they are quite effective by combining your cardio with your weight training and allowing a person to achieve a very high peak of calories burned per minute)
:plusone: They throw these in quite a bit in P90X3 and they work very well at getting your target heart rate up. I like them.

I like them more...
Nuh uh!!!

ummmmm... no, my friend, burpees are probably the most effective form of body weight training that was invented (exageration I'm sure but they are quite effective by combining your cardio with your weight training and allowing a person to achieve a very high peak of calories burned per minute)
:plusone: They throw these in quite a bit in P90X3 and they work very well at getting your target heart rate up. I like them.

I like them more...
Nuh uh!!!

besides tony (my least fav bb trainer) doesn't do them the right way

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