Super Special 5K

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Got the seat back mounted in the race car. Just need a side support now, and to figure out how to brace the shoulder support to the head rest.


my daughter loves the Lego movie.

Still haven't seen it, waiting for RedBox.

is this the result if you two had a baby together?

um, biology doesn't work that way.

Technically and biologically speaking, if the world could only have one of the sexes survive a massive thermonuclear war- in order to procreate in a lab- it would have to be a male (a smart one in order to mix things up right)... but the male human carries both X and Y chromosomes, the female human does not. While you would have to work on a few science schematics and figure out a way to incubate the non-egg hybrid... biology could feasibly work that way....

... just saying

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