Super Special 5K

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I feel great now. Chopped down the dead tree, sorry Matt, cleaned the pool, brought old couches to SA and picked up the new ones. Now I'm gonna finish fracturing the rock and put the fence up.

I feel like crap, courtesy of a single Heineken and a bunch of NyQuil to get me to sleep last night thanks to this damned cough/chest infection.

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NyQuil always F's me up. Hope you feel better supe.

Getting inside work done since its rainin out. Keepin me from cutting da damn lawn

I started on Wednesday evening; got 1/3 of it done after work. Had other "chores" to get done after work since then, so now it sits waiting to be finished.

I should go out and weed whip under the electric fence at a minimum; I'm hearing it snapping to the grass growing up under the bottom wire

I think I'm picking up dinner tonight.

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