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I thought working for was more like:


But RG comes back "for the love of the game..."


i'm about to reach my ultimate limit state of coffee consumption, gastrointestinally speaking.

on that note- I'm off to bed! Sweet Dreams everyone and KF- go eat a burrito,,,,
LOL! Nah, I made a shrimp stir fry with my own kung pao sauce. Turned out pretty good. Nice level of spicy too.

Its 5 o'clock somewhere!
Yup! Time to head to Margaritaville!

F this #$%&, I'm out! Actually it's only Tue., I still need these <picks papers up off the floor>

I need the return of the three day work week. Where's my useless holiday? Why do I have to wait til September, now?

10:00 meeting changed to 1:00...Now everything is bunched up in the afternoon.

Ha no meeting for me today. But now to fight the plotter...

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