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One tree is gonna b a bear to drop. Leaning towards neighbors roof. Its 15' away, tree is 40-50' tall. Gonna try to pull it against lean. May be begging fer trouble though. Its gonna want to twist

Any one talented can smash a watermelon... or hit a pin flag in the woods... it's the ones with rot you gotta worry about...

on a side note- I have officially determined, some sports bras work just ask good inside out as right side in...

^ I know what you mean EG, there are dream drops and then there are oh craps! I don't want the oh crap.

I dropped three on Saturday between our greenhouse, the neighbors satellite dish (5' off properly line), other trees I want to keep, the fresh rhubarb and an active electric fence. Those were cakewalk compared to the one with the lean. Thankfully it's not rotted, but I've got a few more trees to drop around it so I can get the safety lines properly positioned.

After I showed the other half where it was and how it was leaning, I was given the OK to drop it on the greenhouse since she wants a new one anyway. That would be the easiest route though.

Something is killing my cucumber plants.


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