Star Wars! The "only open if youve seen the movie or want spoilers" Thread

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Snoke: no clue. That is the most interesting story line to me. I would like to know more about these "knights of ren"

JJ abrams is brilliant! he is making us all talk about these open plots, just like in Lost.
For some reason...Manhola Draghis of the Times doesn't agree with you. Check the review for this edition in the Times. 

I liked having the "big lady" from GOT in the movie (cant spell her name)

although when I saw the planet / death star I kind of had to say, "Really"!  again!

much was similar in the beginning of the movie to a new hope. the initial attack by the first order and the entrance of kylo ren, they way the map was given to the droid, it felt very similar, yet nastalgic.

Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly are the good and bad force fighting for ? 

I haven't been able to figure that out yet. 

thanks for the spell check


No, no. I wasn't trying to correct your spelling. I didn't even realize it was misspelled.

The only inference I could draw is, this movie was a vehicle to usher in the next generation of characters in Star Wars, and with a nice story by the way. 


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I saw it coming all through the movie with the way he was almost overly complementing Rey and her ability to handle the MF. I also heard that they paid HF a boat load of money to take this role, but his only stipulation was to kill him off bc he didn't want to be in any future episodes
To quantify what Ford earned....hold your breath...34.7 million dollars and still counting and all the residual checks to come every time the movie is shown on TV, Netflix and the 100 of other outlets play it. 

Sorry , didnt mean to say that outloud
I know ....imagine how it feels when you want to say that and you have the Mrs. sitting only 1 feet away from you. 

How much I wish the force was with me. 

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One thing I don't understand, who in their right mind would let even a sanitation guy understand the architecture of a battle ship.......a little too careless by the First Order freaks. 

The biggest plot twist in the new trilogy will be that *she* is neither Luke nor Leia's daughter.

I am NOT your father.

I just don't see it happening. the Darth Vader is Lukes father is like an M. Night Shymalan twist, it just doesn't work twice.

She is reminiscent of the chosen one in jedi prophecy. Qui Gon was so certain that he found him in Anakin. Jedi council was not convinced. Yoda, windu and obi wan all opposed that idea. Its possible that Rey could be the prophesied.

Also don't forget that the Jedis weren't allowed to have relationships. Anakin broke the rule and his children were the exception. Leia did not qualify Jedi training because of her attachment to Han and also having children. To rebuild the Jedi organization singlehandedly, Luke would not have time or emotion to have babies.
