Star Wars! The "only open if youve seen the movie or want spoilers" Thread

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I know what she said, but she was probably lying.

It's explained in much more detail in the books (and comics).  Similar to Neo and the Matrix.

I read the books for EP I-III and don't remember too much about it, just that it was "cheesy"

I didn't read the comics, Im not that much of a geek, but the comics aint G.Lucas certified

Ya, I'm not talking about the mainstream ones.  And yes, it definitely depends on which comics.  The Lucas Books variety are still mostly from his original work.


How did I miss this topic?

Back to the whole final light saber fight scene, I for one liked it.  It was very different than the acrobatic perfection shown in I-II, and the classic hollywood sword fighting of IV-VI.  It was more visceral, scary even, with much more realistically vulnerable characters, in my opinion.  I agree with everything said about Kylo suffering from the cross bow blast, but on top of that, he was shaken by his encounter with Rey.  She saw right through him, and beat him at his own game of force water-boarding, or whatever.  He was a little frightened by her.  Maybe he came on strong initially, thinking he could beat her at the light saber, but once he saw her "force" it to herself from the snow bank and make some good swings, he lost his confidence.  All in all I found it to be the most engaging of any of the light saber duels in the previous episodes. 

And yeah, Fin tried, but he did in fact get his ass handed to him.  

I know I'm way behind, but I just watched this last week. I have to admit, the whole thing felt like SW IV all over again.  Sure the acting was great (other than Leia.  She sucked.), there were no stupid JARJAR's and the CG was awesome, but it was the same story.  Kid with unknown parentage on a desert planet leaves to help the rebel force fight and destroy a planet weapon with a starfighter.  I'm sorry, but are they completely out of ideas?

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I know I'm way behind, but I just watched this last week. I have to admit, the whole thing felt like SW IV all over again.  Sure the acting was great (other than Leia.  She sucked.), there were no stupid JARJAR's and the CG was awesome, but it was the same story.  Kid with unknown parentage on a desert planet leaves to help the rebel force fight and destroy a planet weapon with a starfighter.  I'm sorry, but are they completely out of ideas?
The first one of all 3 sets follows this pattern. Still a good movie!

I know I'm way behind, but I just watched this last week. I have to admit, the whole thing felt like SW IV all over again.  Sure the acting was great (other than Leia.  She sucked.), there were no stupid JARJAR's and the CG was awesome, but it was the same story.  Kid with unknown parentage on a desert planet leaves to help the rebel force fight and destroy a planet weapon with a starfighter.  I'm sorry, but are they completely out of ideas?
Have you read any of the original series books?  If so, they follow that trend.  I'm glad their not trying to "re-invent" Star Wars.  That's what Star Trek is for. :rolleyes:

No, I never got into any of the books.  Seems like I looked into it once and there were way too many books/authors/story lines.
