Star Wars! The "only open if youve seen the movie or want spoilers" Thread

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Interesting point. Guess we'll see in 2 years what happens.

I read a ton of the sw books and I don't think any of them had the "Jedi twins" Turn to the dark side, they were kidnapped and such,but I don't recall them being "bad".  And in most of the books, Han/lea had twins
One of the later book series had Han and Leia's son turning to the dark side and battling his twin sister who eventually kills him.  I thought this was going to have the same plot but they're cousins instead of twins, if the theories are correct.

Snoke: no clue. That is the most interesting story line to me. I would like to know more about these "knights of ren"
The best theory I've heard is that Snoke is actually Darth Plagueis, Palpatine's former mentor before the prequels, who figured out how to use the force to become "immortal."

The biggest plot twist in the new trilogy will be that *she* is neither Luke nor Leia's daughter.

I am NOT your father.

I just don't see it happening. the Darth Vader is Lukes father is like an M. Night Shymalan twist, it just doesn't work twice.

She is reminiscent of the chosen one in jedi prophecy. Qui Gon was so certain that he found him in Anakin. Jedi council was not convinced. Yoda, windu and obi wan all opposed that idea. Its possible that Rey could be the prophesied.

Also don't forget that the Jedis weren't allowed to have relationships. Anakin broke the rule and his children were the exception. Leia did not qualify Jedi training because of her attachment to Han and also having children. To rebuild the Jedi organization singlehandedly, Luke would not have time or emotion to have babies.
Great points.

Disappointed in the Asian representation in this movie.
Ken Leung is the Admiral.  I'm sure he'll play a bigger role in the next movies.

i need to watch it again.  I missed a lot of the details in the flashback.  At first, I thought Luke was Rey's father, but after thinking about it, I don't think that really jives with the flashbacks.  Was that Kylo Ren grabbing little girl Rey?  

It did really seem to parallel the OT...  Kidnapped "princess", destroy the Death Star, taking down the shield generator, etc.

Did Kylo Ren remind anyone else of Snape?

The second time around for me I noticed that Kyle is defin present when Rey is either dropped off or left at jakkuu, but I couldn't tell what he was actually doing, you see Luke's hand turning off r2-d2' and that's about all I could catch, will video it on my phone next time;)

Here's another fun theory:  What if Rey was created in a lab from genetic material found in Luke Skywalker's hand cut off during Empire Strikes Back, and thus has no real parents?  Clearly someone must have located the lightsaber that fell into the abyss at some point (somehow) and who's to say the hand wasn't still clutching it?  This would set up a fun "I am NOT your father" scene in Episode VIII as well.


Finally saw it today with Mrs Kevo.

Damn, 2 pack a day Leia has seen better days. I'm actually kinda glad that Luke never talked at the end of the movie too.

Overall, it was good. Kinda pissed that the Falcon was "stolen" or whatever Han said.

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Finally saw it today with Mrs Kevo.

Damn, 2 pack a day Leia has seen better days. I'm actually kinda glad that Luke never talked at the end of the movie too.

Overall, it was good. Kinda pissed that the Falcon was "stolen" or whatever Han said.
I thought she looked good, she looks her age.  Was she supposed to look like, Daisy's sister?

The second time around for me I noticed that Kyle is defin present when Rey is either dropped off or left at jakkuu, but I couldn't tell what he was actually doing, you see Luke's hand turning off r2-d2' and that's about all I could catch, will video it on my phone next time;)
I watched the scene again and Kylo wasn't in Jakku when Rey was dropped off as I had originally thought too.  There was someone holding her back but you don't get to see their face.  It sounded like the Simon Pegg character.

Leia looked good for her age.

She sounded not so good. (Hence the 2 pack.)

Darth Maul was killed off too easily, IMO.
While I agree (one of my favorite SW villains), keep in mind he was an apprentice.  As was Kenobi, but he had focus and determination on his side due to the recent death of his mentor.  While Maul was distracted by his taunting.  Kenobi was also at the top of his class in saber skills. ;)  
