For those who took the construction depth this spring, how do you think it went? I thought the morning was fairly easy, the afternoon...brutal.
I felt confident after the morning thinking I was in good shape, but 4 hours later I felt like Jared Fogle probably feels after his first few months in prison. When the guy next to you is taking WRE this time because he failed construction the last time, and the guy behind you is taking the exam for the 3rd time because he failed construction twice...and the guy sitting next to your buddy is taking the exam for the second time because he failed construction the last kind of lose confidence that you'll pass.
I felt confident after the morning thinking I was in good shape, but 4 hours later I felt like Jared Fogle probably feels after his first few months in prison. When the guy next to you is taking WRE this time because he failed construction the last time, and the guy behind you is taking the exam for the 3rd time because he failed construction twice...and the guy sitting next to your buddy is taking the exam for the second time because he failed construction the last kind of lose confidence that you'll pass.