Sometimes you just need to scream!!!

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yeah, my droid is tied to gmail. I just don't know how much is actually backed-up yet since I don't use my gmail account for anything.

My cell phone went on a diving expedition yesterday while we were watching the space shuttle launch. Did not survive.

I am lucky that it is only a To Go phone with the sim card of my original phone. A friend of mine once let his I-phone go under.

Third time I scheduled this particular meeting. Third time no one showed up. Meeting number 4 will include everyone's boss. I'm betting the attendance will increase.

Third time I scheduled this particular meeting. Third time no one showed up. Meeting number 4 will include everyone's boss. I'm betting the attendance will increase.
Wow, that's horribly unprofessional of them. I assume you've made sure everyone's aware of when the meeting is (by voice confirmation)? I'm assuming you did the initial scheduling via automated means. cube is vibrating again. They are consolidating our agency's 3 file rooms into one its our turn. They have been walking past with carts full of paper for the past week and they are only like a quarter of the way done.

Third time I scheduled this particular meeting. Third time no one showed up. Meeting number 4 will include everyone's boss. I'm betting the attendance will increase.
Wow, that's horribly unprofessional of them. I assume you've made sure everyone's aware of when the meeting is (by voice confirmation)? I'm assuming you did the initial scheduling via automated means.
Outlook tracks who has and has not accepted the meeting. This issue has already be escalated to their leadership and they have been invited to the next meeting, as well. It's only to address an equipment maintenance strategy for a fuel conditioning unit that can bring the whole site down. It's loss only shuts down the cash cows of the site raking in $10 million / day. Nothing big.

The landscape company for my new house is really starting to piss me off. A little background first: the city code requires lots that sit along the ridgeline surrounding the city to have 1 pine tree for every 2500sf of lot space. It can be any type of pine tree as long as it's 6'-8' tall when planted and have a mature height of 35'. They do it to "break-up" the ridgeline so it doesn't look like a row of houses. We have no issue with this.

I met with the project manager back in early May for the pre-drywall meeting and I brought up the fact that there were a few specific types of trees we wanted to have installed on our lot to meet the city requirements(Douglas Fir & Limber Pine, both native & readily available in CO). He said it shouldn't be a problem, but he would look into it to be sure. Now I'm getting the line that they will only install one type of tree (Austrian Pine) because they get a better price for standardizing. The part that pisses me off is that the landscape company is a fairly large and well connected company that would have no problem getting these trees.

These are fairly permanent fixtures on the lot, and I can't believe they are fighting this so much. We even offered to pay the difference. Now I know we're going to end up tearing out perfectly good trees and spending significanly more time and money to get what we want. Such a pain in the ass.

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Leadership done layeth thine smack down. I hate bitchin' to my boss like a little tattle tale, but when people, for one reason or another, continuously skip my meetings without notice and do not notify me, I get pissed. They won't be missing any more.

Dex, do you have an HOA board you can talk to?
yeah there's an HOA board, but since I don't own the house yet (don't close until Aug 5th), I'm not a resident and can't file a complaint.

The sales office did offer an idea though. They said I could let the trees die, then when the landscaping company comes back to replace them, there *might* be a chance they're more flexible and get us the trees we want. That idea makes me nervous because neglect would void the warranty and we would essentially be neglecting the trees to go through this. It just looks like we may be replacing the trees next year sometime when we get the rest of the yard landscaped.

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I'm leary of pines very close to the house. They have a nasty habit of breaking about 1/3 way up the trunk on high winds.

I f'ing love being someone's backup when they're out of town. ESPECIALLY when I have no F'ING clue what the status is of their work and, like magic, the poop hits the fan on their work when they're unavailable.
Yeah, it's vacation season, which means at alternating times, I get to pretend to be my boss, colleague, and CAD boy at various times.

Technically speaking, I am no one's backup. But guess what. When one mechanical guy is out, everyone defaults to the other mechanical guy (me) when they should be barking up different trees.

Yeah, it's vacation season, which means at alternating times, I get to pretend to be my boss, colleague, and CAD boy at various times.
Oh that's a fun one... I do that when my boss is out of town. Which always makes it fun when someone needs something stamped in a state I am not licensed in (which is 98% of our projects).

Had my Mid Year Review today.

Good news: My boss is very happy with my performance.

Bad news: Her boss it is not. She thinks that as a :Locolaugh: highly paid :Locolaugh: professional engineer I should be able to do more, like walk on water :sharkattack: and fly like Superman.

Talk about expectations. She is wrong about one thing...I am not a highly paid professional engineer but an average paid poor engineer.
