Sometimes you just need to scream!!!

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Who cares where they are from? What is this, 1950?
It's not like its the Olympics where its country vs. country.
Hello!!!! The Bruins are from BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. Individual players are from around the globe but it's about local pride and having the best team/organization in the sport. America's hat lives and breathes hockey so if an AMERICAN-based organization beats them for possession of Lord Stanley's Cup you bet you a$$ it makes a difference and Americans should be stoked.

The Canadian sentiments are similar even though there are American born players on those teams.

It's like Rocky and Drago. It IS country versus country and as an AMERICAN and a BOSTONIAN I'm rooting for the B's. GO Black and Gold!!! keep the momentum going.....

I hope they tromp the Canucks on they're own ice.

I get the local pride thing about you local team, thats how it is in all sports...but to say unamerican is a stretch because seriously...there are more canucks on the bruins team than there are on the Canucks team. Bruins American count 2, Canucks 6.So by cheering for the Canucks I am cheering for more of my fellow Americans.

you obviously missed the part about the home base of the team/franchise.

Boston, MA USA


Vancouver, CANADA


Can't really say anything else. Might be a good idea for me to take a vacation.

That is all.

I get the local pride thing about you local team, thats how it is in all sports...but to say unamerican is a stretch because seriously...there are more canucks on the bruins team than there are on the Canucks team. Bruins American count 2, Canucks 6.So by cheering for the Canucks I am cheering for more of my fellow Americans.
I didn't get to see all of the opening ceremonies for the games, but I did notice that when they sang God Bless America, hardly anyone sang. When they sang the Canadian Anthem, at least when they were in Vancouver, the singer actually stopped and the crowd was signing it so loudly he just held up the mic. I find that sad............

I get the local pride thing about you local team, thats how it is in all sports...but to say unamerican is a stretch because seriously...there are more canucks on the bruins team than there are on the Canucks team. Bruins American count 2, Canucks 6.So by cheering for the Canucks I am cheering for more of my fellow Americans.
I didn't get to see all of the opening ceremonies for the games, but I did notice that when they sang God Bless America, hardly anyone sang. When they sang the Canadian Anthem, at least when they were in Vancouver, the singer actually stopped and the crowd was signing it so loudly he just held up the mic. I find that sad............
My son commented at the beginning of Game 5 how the crowd sings aloud during the Canadian Anthem, but we typically don't sing the National Anthem. IMHO, American tradition is to remove your hat and put your hand over your heart and be silent during the singing of the Star Spangled Banner as a sign of respect.

As far as God Bless America, when I hear it I tend to think of Kate Smith and we don't want the fat lady singing yet.

Who cares where they are from? What is this, 1950?
It's not like its the Olympics where its country vs. country.
Hello!!!! The Bruins are from BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. Individual players are from around the globe but it's about local pride and having the best team/organization in the sport. America's hat lives and breathes hockey so if an AMERICAN-based organization beats them for possession of Lord Stanley's Cup you bet you a$$ it makes a difference and Americans should be stoked.

The Canadian sentiments are similar even though there are American born players on those teams.

It's like Rocky and Drago. It IS country versus country and as an AMERICAN and a BOSTONIAN I'm rooting for the B's. GO Black and Gold!!! keep the momentum going.....

I hope they tromp the Canucks on they're own ice.
Nicely put - 7 could be our lucky number.......

First goal is huge come Wednesday night.


Bruins bring the cup to Beantown.

4-0 nice job!!!

Because Boston has won a championship in all four major sports within the past 8 years, Boston is really wary about "celebrations" downtown. They started yesterday saying there would be parking bans all around Fenway Park and The Garden. the city made all the barsl agree to black out their main windows so passers-by wouldn't congregate and watch the TVs throught he windows. Bars also agreed to not let anyone in after the 2nd period was over. There were hundreds of extra cops in the area dispersing crowds. The result was only a few arrests and a relatively tame victory celebration in the streets.

I guess Vancouver was a different story with cars flipped, fires started, and lots of beat-downs (by both revelers and the police).

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Whatever the BPD did seemed to do the trick. You didn't hear about more than a few drunks getting arrested. Vancouver sounded like LA after some of those Lakers title runs. I still don't get how people equate their team hoisting a trophy (or lack thereof) as a reason for fires and looting.

Singing and merriment in the streets, great. Flipping over a cop car, not so much.

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Whatever the BPD did seemed to do the trick. You didn't hear about more than a few drunks getting arrested. Vancouver sounded like LA after some of those Lakers title runs. I still don't get how people equate their team hoisting a trophy (or lack thereof) as a reason for fires and looting.
Singing and merriment in the streets, great. Flipping over a cop car, not so much.
“What!? You beat us at hockey!? Well we’ll show you, come on guys let’s f*ck up our own town!”

I've seen some of the pictures this morning and I really have to wonder what on earth these people are thinking. What does flipping and setting fire to someone else car accomplish? Are these people retarded? I pray these people are to stupid to breed (but I know that isn't the case).

Vancouver sounded like LA after some of those Lakers title runs.
Actually Vancouver sounds like Vancouver after they lost the Stanley Cup to the Rangers in 1994. 17 years is a long time but some of the public officials must have remembered the scene. You'd think they would be better prepared.
