Sometimes you just need to scream!!!

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I don't think I will EVER take a position on a project where they bring me in mid-construction again. So much gets missed, overlooked, and improperly executed unless you can assure that it's correct from day one.
This makes me chuckle.

Its more fun when you get brought in near completion; that way gyp board, ceilings and even walls get to be demolished in addition to heated fights with the owner who doesn't want to spend any more money but called you in to be the wrecking crew regardless. ESPECIALLY on sovereign land deals with no authorities having jurisdiction to lay down the law and who hold the occupancy certificate as the carrot and stick to finish.

...When it comes to hazardous materials, especially asbestos, isn't a state inspector/certification required? Did they have such a certification?

Yup, and I areone. As a school, they are required to have an asbestos survey performed, and updated every three years. Sometimes what happens is the previous inspector assumes that a material is Asbestos Containing Material (ACM). Depending on the situation (demolition versus non-demo), I assume nothing and sample the hell out of the building. Oh well. Life goes on.

Since I own a truck, I get "volunteered" to help people move.

Why is it that everybody I help move has to be going from a second floor apartment to a third floor apartment!?

Since I own a truck, I get "volunteered" to help people move.
Why is it that everybody I help move has to be going from a second floor apartment to a third floor apartment!?
Man, I can't even imagine helping people move like I used to in my 20s and 30s. I remember helping people move who have refrigerators and pianos. And refrigerators were HEAVY back then.

Last time I moved I used a mover. I think it cost me something like $500 plus a tip. I'll never do it any other way again.

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Last time I helped move a piano .... was the last time I helped anyone move. That ruined me.

I moved a piano from my parent's house to my sister's house. What made it worse than normal is that we rented a truck that had no ramp, so we had to lift that bastard up 3 feet into the back of the truck. That sucked pretty hard.

I hired movers for my move mainly because I have a gun safe, and I wanted it in the basement of the new house. No way I was going to move that thing myself.

At least the stuff we had to move was relatively light and it all fit in a combination of pickup truck and 6x12 U-Haul trailer. My buddy and I got volunteered at church to help somebody that couldn't afford professional movers. The real fun was getting in and out of alleys on the North side of Chicago with that damn trailer.

I quit moving people. The last time I did it, there were supposed to be seven other guys helping the couple move. Turned out it was just me.

Me and this guy loaded, and unloaded two full 24' U-hauls. I got a 12 pack of CABs for my effort. Oh, and I was majorly hungover from a party the night before.

Never again.

I helped a guy at an old job move several years back. A few guys from the office were supposed to help him and a few of his friends move. I was the only coworker that showed up, and the couple moving spent the whole time yakking it up with their friends about buying their first house, and didn't do squat.

Fun times.

I helped a guy at an old job move several years back. A few guys from the office were supposed to help him and a few of his friends move. I was the only coworker that showed up, and the couple moving spent the whole time yakking it up with their friends about buying their first house, and didn't do squat.

Fun times.

Thats happened to me a few times too. Sometimes you wonder if they forgot about the sense of urgency.

When we moved into this house, we hired prof movers to move the big stuff like furniture and appliances but we rented a uhaul to move the boxes and clothes etc ourself. This way we were able to use the extra moving stipend to recarpet the house and buy a few new power tools.

From what I gather, if a college hires you as a prof, they will often pay for your move as part of your compensation package. So hopefully our next move is on someone else's dime.

We've got too much stuff at this point to do the u-haul thing and I suspect our next move will be much further than the last one.

The last time I helped someone else moved was to help my brother pack up when he moved from the ATL to Charlotte. It wasn't too bad, it took us about a day, but his wife didn't do squat. She also collects lots of stuff so it took freaking forever to get everything out of the apartment.

When my company moved me from the ATL to Chucktown they hired packers and movers that did everything for us. They basically told us to go to the park for the day and they would do everything. I even had pocket change that was sitting on my dresser and they wrapped that up in tissue paper and packed it.

When we move to what is hopefully going to be our new house in June I am going to get help from family and friends. I think it should be fairly easy with 4 or 5 people helping.

The last time I helped someone else moved was to help my brother pack up when he moved from the ATL to Charlotte. It wasn't too bad, it took us about a day, but his wife didn't do squat. She also collects lots of stuff so it took freaking forever to get everything out of the apartment.

That is a huge pet peeve of mine. I have a pick up and get volunteered to do alot of moving. At least help me out when I am helping you.

I've only ever had one paid-for move, from Bakersfield CA to Ventura. That was nice - all the work was done for me. I moved from there to the Pacific Islands on my own, with two suitcases and 10 boxes in the mail, and left everything else in storage (which I only recently got rid of). I've lived in 6 different places on the island since then, and every move was done by pickup (mine), beer, and friends.

Since I own a truck, I get "volunteered" to help people move.
Why is it that everybody I help move has to be going from a second floor apartment to a third floor apartment!?
Heh! I have decided against the 4WD truck upgrade for this very reason - I KNOW I will be called upon for all sorts of odd chores and tasks!

Last time I moved I used a mover. I think it cost me something like $500 plus a tip. I'll never do it any other way again.
My company hired movers to move me into my new house last month - definitely WELL WORTH the savings in terms of time and aggravation!


Since I own a truck, I get "volunteered" to help people move.
Why is it that everybody I help move has to be going from a second floor apartment to a third floor apartment!?
Heh! I have decided against the 4WD truck upgrade for this very reason - I KNOW I will be called upon for all sorts of odd chores and tasks!

I've owned a truck of one form or another since I was 15 years old. Me without a pickup would be like a little kid missing his security blanket. I think it's a direct result of growing up on a farm. My brother is pretty much the same way.


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