Sometimes you just need to scream!!!

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Sounds like you are making female friends rather quickly. So you got that going for you..........which is nice.

Not many, just the one that I kind of got lucky on. She was the only one I've found with all her teeth who weighed less than I did :sharkattack:

MGX: You can say that again. We don't inspect out here, we babysit.

Maybe you should spend less time at waffle house.

Oddly enough, I've never stepped foot in a Waffle House.

Even the spam ads on Craigslist are unattractive around these parts. Just shopping at Ingles is like being in a circus tent.

I would recommend going to the K-Mart or Wal-Mart for a real freak show.

I've been a few times, and it's been remarkably docile. Probably because the Walmart I go to is in Shelby, so it's more ghetto than white trash.

When I visit job sites and talk to fitters they always have the most insane, mind-bending rumors flying around. I can't fathom the depths where these ideas originate from nor address their lack of logic directly less I be lynched in situ.

The atmosphere is that I have magically returned to Junior High except these are full grown men.

^That sums it up nicely for me this morning.

The software package I'm using has to be run on the client's laptop since it is certified in their system to run nuclear safety related software. Well, here I am right on the deadline and their glorious laptop just went TU. I really don't have time to drag this POS back to their IT department right now.

I cannot believe that housing loans CONTINUE to be administed so poorly!!!!!!!!

AARRGHHH !!!!!! :eek:ldman:


I wanna slap the crap out of two people. The guy who figured out where to locate the oil filter on the Jeep Liberty and the guy who thought painting said oil filter black was a good idea.

OOOOOUUUUCCCCCHHHHH!!!!!! I was minding my own business and walked out to our pool deck to see how the vacuuming was going...and then the wasps started attacking. Got me twice on the same toe. :i_cry: Getting my wisdom teeth removed didn't hurt that much!

We call them "boonie bees" out here (actually paper wasps). The first sign of an attack is the feeling of a thumbtack being pressed into you somewhere. Absolutely no warning. I hate those things.

I feel your pain. I was stung on the OTHER hand by a wasp INDOORS the Friday before last. My hand swelled like crazy for 2 or 3 days. Pressing down on the area felt like it had cottage cheese under it from the fluid buildup. It was disgusting. That's TWICE I've been stung since I've moved here.

The spiders are driving me INSANE though! I went in my garage yesterday only to find a dead field mouse with a HUGE brown recluse on it. Makes me scared to work on my car or move parts around, since I was bit by a spider as a kid and still have a scar on my wrist from when it got infected.

I went in my garage yesterday only to find a dead field mouse with a HUGE brown recluse on it.
The brown recluse is a pretty darned small spider. How huge was it? The size of a penny?

Speaking of spiders, two years ago my granny passed away and I inherited her little '92 Mercury Tracer to serve as my daily driver work car. She lived in a VERY rural part of southeast Arkansas and in her final year or so she was in an assisted living center. The car sat outside, under trees for over a year. When my parents and I went up to collect some belongings and trailer the car home, we popped the hood... lo and behold... on top of the air filter housing was a wolf spider that (I kid you not) was the size of my hand. I couldn't kill it, either. Small bugs I can kill, but big things like horses I can't. It eventually tucked itself in the engine compartment and we ended up bringing the car home with the hairy beast in it. Saw it one final time at home, but if it stayed in there much longer it was toast from engine heat. Surprisingly, they're not that harmful to humans, definately not life-threatening.

The BR was a good 3/4 of an inch. Unmistakable violin on its back. Scared the hell out of me.

Don't even get me started on the Wolf spiders. They're routinely 3" in length around here. Nearly shat myself when I almost stepped on one in the bathroom, and they're all over my windows and garage.

lo and behold... on top of the air filter housing was a wolf spider that (I kid you not) was the size of my hand. I couldn't kill it, either. Small bugs I can kill, but big things like horses I can't. ...... Surprisingly, they're not that harmful to humans, definately not life-threatening.
Brown recluse = scary.

Wolf Spider, if that is what I get in my house, you can count the hairs on its legs from five feet away before you squish it with a roll of paper towels.

The BR was a good 3/4 of an inch. Unmistakable violin on its back. Scared the hell out of me.

Odd that this came up today. I removed the battery bank out of my boat two weeks ago to do some work on the electrical connections and was storing the batteries in my shed. I opened up the battery box yesterday and found a black widow. I killed that bitch quick. Those things are very dangerous.

Blocked here at work, but I probably don't want to see whatever it is!
