Sometimes you just need to scream!!!

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16 hrs a month, year? With no accruale, people will actually take the sick days...might not be such a good move on the companies part.
The way I read the memo, it is 16 hours MAX. I earn 8 hours a month, except that now, if I get sick, and have to take three days, then I will get paid for 2 days, have to take the third day as a day off w/o pay, then I will be SOL. My morale right now is in the dumps.

And the suckage continues. Sick leave capped at 16 hours, with no accruale until further notice. I lost 168 hours of sick leave. Luckily, I am generally a healthy person; I just hope I don't get sick the way I did at Christmas...I was down for a week. :(
OMG! I'm so sorry to hear that! Will they give it back to you when the company is doing better?

That's not really fair for the people who maybe were saving up that sick leave to have a baby or surgery or something.


Computer locked up all day.

Flash drive locked up.

9PM - still at work.

Big presentation tomorrow, almost done. One other big project, totally behind.


The way I read the memo, it is 16 hours MAX. I earn 8 hours a month, except that now, if I get sick, and have to take three days, then I will get paid for 2 days, have to take the third day as a day off w/o pay, then I will be SOL. My morale right now is in the dumps.
Sorry to hear this, Buff. I hope things get better soon. Meahwhile, here's to your health.

OMG! I'm so sorry to hear that! Will they give it back to you when the company is doing better?
That's not really fair for the people who maybe were saving up that sick leave to have a baby or surgery or something.
I'm not sure what is going to happen. This move makes NO sense to me, but I am not privy to the numbers. The thought is that we will get some of it back, but there will likely be a cap on sick leave.

Sorry to hear this, Buff. I hope things get better soon. Meahwhile, here's to your health.
At least I'm still employed. Thanks for the well wishes and sympathies. It just sux that I get my PE license, then get promoted, but get a 10% reduction in pay and my benefits get cut. The way I'm looking at it, though, is that I need to do everything I can to bring in business.


My projects are on hold...................again.

I moved down here for a $75 million dollar treatment plant. The client shelved it after preliminary design.

Then we did master plan and scaled down the capital improvements plan to 7 smaller projects.

Then the client cut that down to 3 projects.

Then we negotiated contracts on the 3 projects.

Now the client has put a stop on all but one of them, which is going to take about 3 months to design. Then I'm out of work.

Time to start beating the bushes to see where I'm moving. Glad I didn't buy a house.

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My projects are on hold...................again.

I moved down here for a $75 million dollar treatment plant. The client shelved it after preliminary design.

Then we did master plan and scaled down the capital improvements plan to 7 smaller projects.

Then the client cut that down to 3 projects.

Then we negotiated contracts on the 3 projects.

Now the client has put a stop on all but one of them, which is going to take about 3 months to design. Then I'm out of work.

Time to start beating the bushes to see where I'm moving. Glad I didn't buy a house.
That sux, Chuck. Sorry to hear it. Good luck in your search!

What pisses me off more than anything is that they NEED to do work. One of their plants is caving in on itself and they're one piece of failing equipment away from trucking sludge out of their plant because they don't have any redundancy. The story I heard today is that their director doesn't want to raise water/sewer rates because he's only 3 years from retirement. So I guess he wants his legacy to be cheap rates and stinky ass sludge being trucked all over the service area.

^That still sounds 300% better than the situation at our utility. Rather than raise rates, as they are presently ORDERED to do via a stipulated order from the Justice Department (well, they were ordered to do a rate study, which they did, the raise is the assumed outcome), they are no planning to simply raise the rates to government offices by 600% to make up for not raising it for the customers.

And the sad thing is, the customers don't understand that this means they STILL have to pay, but now it's going to be automatically deducted from their paychecks, and there's absolutely nothing they can do to reduce usage.

People are stupid.


IT came by and fixed my computer problem. I went to use another workstation while he worked, but before I did, the guy asked if I had all the files I needed saved over to the shared drive. Sure, I said, thanks for asking, I have everything I need.

Now for a lesson in "What IT Says and What It Really Means:"

"Do you have your files saved over to the shared drive?" means "I am about to wipe your C:drive clean and you are going to lose everything - BWA-HAHAHAHAHA!" :asthanos:

At least I have job, which why this only merits a <sigh>

IT came by and fixed my computer problem. I went to use another workstation while he worked, but before I did, the guy asked if I had all the files I needed saved over to the shared drive. Sure, I said, thanks for asking, I have everything I need.

Now for a lesson in "What IT Says and What It Really Means:"

"Do you have your files saved over to the shared drive?" means "I am about to wipe your C:drive clean and you are going to lose everything - BWA-HAHAHAHAHA!" :asthanos:

At least I have job, which why this only merits a <sigh>
Ouch, that sucks. Thankfully our IT guys back everything up themselves when giving you a new workstation, then plop it all in a single folder on your desktop. They put all the e-mail folders and internet settings back in their rightful places, too.


They've been doing a ton of utility work/construction around here, and the power was down when I came back from lunch. Boss said if it wasn't back by 2:30, hit the road. 2:25, power comes back on! :suicide1: :brickwall:

They've been doing a ton of utility work/construction around here, and the power was down when I came back from lunch. Boss said if it wasn't back by 2:30, hit the road. 2:25, power comes back on! :suicide1: :brickwall:

You ought to live out here in the third world, where we sometimes go for months with daily, 2-4 hour power outages. That just means it's field inspection time, or reading time, or plan review time.... There's a lot you can accomplish without electricity. So get to it!


You ought to live out here in the third world, where we sometimes go for months with daily, 2-4 hour power outages. That just means it's field inspection time, or reading time, or plan review time.... There's a lot you can accomplish without electricity. So get to it!
What do you do without the interwebs?

Tie twenty coconuts together with long strings - we call it the "coconet".
