So I'm not even sure how this is possible, but Mrs. NJ is PG again... WTF

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so here's what I don't get. My wife and I discussed the use of a 5-year contraceptive. It is supposed to be more efficient the snip snip or even tying the tubes. In fact, it was explained to me that there is a 1/1000 failure chance for both the tubes and snip, where as a 1/2000 failure chance for the contraceptive.
Is that the thing they implant in the side of the uterus? My wife used that for a short time after our 2nd but it made her gain wait so she had them take it out like a month later, there went $500 real quick.

I know they are very effective but they have to be inserted correctly and if it doesn't stick or something like that then it doesn't work as well. At least that's what I remember.

that's the thing. it's fully covered under the insurance. no out of pocket expenses

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I believe in order for any contraceptive to work it has to be implemented and not just discussed. Alternately if the interaction was kept at the discussion level I don't believe conception could occur. sounds like a failure on two accounts.

Stop putting your (censored) in your wife. Get a different hobby than making children.
he does...he takes care of them too, hence all the late night posts. I guess he doesn't want those late night sessions to end. To each his own. Personally, I like sleep.

The old snip snip is effective. However, if your doc does the sure-as-sh*t procedure, it's snip snip, cauterize cauterize, crimp crimp.

Then just PIIHB and you're right as rain.

The old snip snip is effective. However, if your doc does the sure-as-sh*t procedure, it's snip snip, cauterize cauterize, crimp crimp.

Then just PIIHB and you're right as rain.

Yea, and it's a bit unsettling to see smoke coming up from that area, at least outside the bedroom...

so here's what I don't get. My wife and I discussed the use of a 5-year contraceptive. It is supposed to be more efficient the snip snip or even tying the tubes. In fact, it was explained to me that there is a 1/1000 failure chance for both the tubes and snip, where as a 1/2000 failure chance for the contraceptive.
heard too many horror stories of those things going wrong and causing major health issues. No thanks.

How does one get a woman to do anything without some sort of bribe?

Mrs Dex had two very rough pregnancies (expensive meds, multiple ER visits, etc), and wanted to make sure she would never get pregnant again. It's not that she didn't want more kids, she just didn't want to get pregnant again. Almost to the day, 6 weeks after Mini-Dex #2 was born, she was in the OB/GYN getting things shut down.

This is what she had done:

It was an outpatient procedure and she was back at work the next day.


I was joking about your situation with my wife last night since the 6 week mark passed yesterday for us and she raised some valid points:

- how would you know already? it's not standard procedure to check for pregnancy at the 6 week check up and there are some lady mechanics involved before you would be suspicious...

- for finding out so soon, you would have had to predate the 6 week barrier by a significant amount in order for any tests that were ran to be conclusive...




you've got some splaining to do...


I was joking about your situation with my wife last night since the 6 week mark passed yesterday for us and she raised some valid points:

- how would you know already? it's not standard procedure to check for pregnancy at the 6 week check up and there are some lady mechanics involved before you would be suspicious...

- for finding out so soon, you would have had to predate the 6 week barrier by a significant amount in order for any tests that were ran to be conclusive...




you've got some splaining to do...

I never April Fools about such things, since it wouldn't be funny at all if it happened. But, if it happens to you, ha ha.

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