Shaving pounds

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Well, after feeling and looking like a fatass all weekend (5 pounds does a lot to my self-image), I am now committed to losing 10 lbs by Christmas. I tried last year and almost got there, so I know I can do it this year, starting 2 weeks earlier.

Finally broke down and agreed to help my wife get started on the "couch to 5k" plan. "Finally" because I promised her I wouldn't do it again, after about 5 times when we would go through it, then she would give up for some reason and then, several months later, i would have to start all over again to help her get back up to 5k. Well, this time I have a plan - I do the training workout with her, then add on another 10 to 30 minutes run, depending on how long her workout is. That way, I can still maintain and even improve my level of running fitness.

We both win!

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^ That's great. My wife and I regularly prod each other into hitting the gym or going for a run when the other is feeling rather fond of the couch.

Read that as: She just ran 15 miles and I feel guilty again.

Time to bump this thread.

Ive been completely slacking off for a couple months now and I really really really need to get back in shape. Ive packed on some pounds and am back over my starting weight when I started working out hardcore back last August. I started at about 220 lbs and got down to about 214. It wasnt a lot of weight loss but I did manage to convert a lot of unsightly fat into muscle. I was in the best shape Ive been in for the last 10 years.

However in just the past 2 or 3 months Ive completely fallen off the wagon. I stopped going to the gym, I skip out on fencing practice, I eat like total $hit. A lot of it was due to the new job, lots of traveling and some vacation. What bothers me the most about the weight Ive put on lately is that its not distributed very well. I guess I have good genes because even when I was heavy I never carried a lot of weight say in my gut, I just sort of got "bigger" all around. However the weight Ive packed on in the past few months has all gone straight to my gut. Its a beer gut in the making and its sort of freaking me out. But with the summer coming up I feel its time to reverse the slide.

Instead of cutting back on fencing like I had wanted too, Ive signed up for an extra class at the club which is all conditioning. Plus Im going to take a weight lifting class at my gym on saturday mornings which will hopefully get me motivated to not sit around all day watching TV on weekends.

Me, too. I was doing spin class, low-carb diet, had lost a few pounds. I gained them back and a few more. I just don't have the time to go to the gym and work out with the long commute to work. I realized that at 50, I need to really cut my calorie intake. So, I started. I lost the few extra pounds that put me heavier than I've ever been (even pregnant). And, I'm really trying to modify the whole eating and food lifestyle. I eat pretty much anything, but in moderation, and I try to eat a healthy balance. I DO count calories (not strictly, but I keep a fairly accurate tally each day). I write down everything I eat each day. I make accommodations for unplanned stuff that happens (a friend brought me a frappacino that I drank, but I resisted the donuts in the office). I'm going to try to get into fun physical activities instead of going to the gym. I want to start kayaking. I've never been "buff". I don't have the genes for it. I just want to get my weight down to avoid damaging aging joints. (That really hurt to say that ... aging!)

FW, get your fat ass to the gym!


I've been doing pretty well on this front. I'm still a few pounds over my goal weight, but I'm getting pretty close. Yesterday afternoon the scale at the gym had me at 184. That's getting pretty close to my goal of 180. I've been going to spin class twice a week, Lifting twice a week and typically doing two 3+ mile runs a week. Throw in the occasional recreational bike ride and I feel like I'm doing pretty well on the activity front. I haven't changed my diet much other then just trying to be mindful of how much I'm eating. I didn't eat poorly before, I just ate to much. I've been trying to slow down how fast I eat (avoid shoveling my food down) and only eating until I'm "3/4 full". I think it's working pretty well so far.

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I have dropped ~25 lbs since my separation. Mostly by virtue of eating better. I have been struggling to get into a consistent exercise routine - it has helped that I am down two belt noches! :)

Gooooo FW !! :bananalama:

Mary - everything in moderation, right Fibonacci lady? ;)

Nice RW! :thumbs:


Well, as of the last couple months I have been hitting the Gym. Personally I am trying to GAIN weight, as I kindof resemble a stick-figure... So far I have managed to put on 6 lbs, I keep messing aroung with my diet and routine to try to find a zone that really works well for me.

When do most of you workout? I try to go in the morning, but waking up at 3:30 is really tough, so sometimes I end up going at lunch or after work. Does time of day make any difference in the effectiveness of the workout?

I bought an excercise bike on Jan. 15, and have worked out on it every day since (today will be 135 straight days). Doing a 34 minute hill program on level 12, I burn anywhere from 500 to 720 calories. I also walk when I go golfing now. I started using The Daily Plate to track my calorie intake and my weight. You put in your current weight, goal (lose 2 lbs per week is what mine is set on), your daily activity level (mine is set for office worker), and what you eat every day (they have a huge database of foods that you can add to). If you work out, you tell it how many calories you burned, or pick an activity and tell it how long you did that activity so it can calculate calories burned, then you get those added back on to how much you can eat.

I started at 299 lbs on Jan. 11 (I had already lost 16 lbs without all this concerted effort). As of yesterday, I was down to 256. My goal was 250 lbs, but I think I'm going to revise that downward to 230, then start lifting weights again to add muscle back up to 250.

I suck.

I'm 5'8" and 195. My heaviest was at 205 and I got down to about 180 last summer. I've put back on that 15 lbs, and it shows.

I haven't gone to the gym much at all - work routine changed and now I have to go in earlier, so I'm just not mentally strong enough to convince myself to get out of bed at 4:30 or 5:00 in the morning to work out anymore. I'm usually dragging ass at 6 when I get up.

My diet never was great, if I have a "choice" in meals, I typically make a decent choice. I eat too much and don't exercise enough.

It's real hard to motivate myself to work really hard when I know in another month or two when the baby gets here that I will just give up then anyway due to lack of sleep.

It's Friday - I'm going out for Pizza for lunch!

A bunch of guys are going to a feeding trough (Golden Corral Buffet) for lunch. I avoid buffets anyway, but I got a big salad last night and saved half of it for lunch. Yummo! :)


Ever since my little girl came, I have lost close to 20 pounds. I had gotten up to 242 the day she was born, and now I am at ~222 today.

No exercise, no dieting, nothing besides cutting back on seconds and soft drinks (there's where you kill yourself in calories). And the more time I spend with Mackenzie, the less time I have to graze in the pantry.

And I do like Mary, save last night's seconds for lunch the next day.

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Does time of day make any difference in the effectiveness of the workout?
I say yes! I used to work out at night, I lost inches but I gained weight via muscle mass. Now that we work out in the morning, the weight is slowly starting to leave along with the inches.

I've lost 6 punds the last month and a half by working out. Run for 45 minutes and try to do 15 more on the elliptical. I alternate the machines and the times. One day I do swim to work my upperbody.

My problems are: 44 years old legs/knees that were abused in the past and an injury that limits the way I work out(cannot do crunches or anything involving the use of abdominal muscles). Swimming seems to be helping me with that part.

But I will get there. My goal is to, at least, go back to 170-175.

So ( I love to say this)...... :bio:

^ I have found entering in local running events keeps the 'fire in the belly' towards staying in shape & working out. I'm just talking 5K runs, 10k's if you're a serious runner perhaps - its alot of fun competing in various races in & around your hometown, lets you visit areas you might not frequent much, alot of events are good-cause based, and you make friends & even network a little! Even if its just a handful of races, it gives you something to look forward to thruout a year of routine work outs. :2cents:

^^I agree. Training for an event is great motivation. Even better if you can get other friends to join, and pressure you into not quitting.

I'm tellin' you people, look up you local "Hash House Harriers" running club, and start runnign with them. Run trails and drink beer afterward, meet new and itneresting people, and best of all, do it once a week. Fantastic motivation to run for fitness during the week.

I say yes! I used to work out at night, I lost inches but I gained weight via muscle mass. Now that we work out in the morning, the weight is slowly starting to leave along with the inches.
IS there any truth to this??? If so, I would seriously consider changing my runs to the morning. I always run and bike in the evenings, right after work.

Anyhow, I've stayed the same weight all year, with only slight ups/downs. I'm 5'11" and 188 pounds. I need to get down to 170 or 175 to be where I think I shoudl be, though, but I just can't seem to do it. I've actually cut back my calories signficantly over the past 6 months or so, but haven't seen much change in weight, though I do notice my waistline feels less bulgy... I think I need to work on WHAT I eant now, not just how much..

I did the conditioning class at the fencing center last night and Ive never been this sore. My legs feel like jello. Im dead serious when I say I must have done 500 lunges last night.

Height: 5'11"Weight: ~195

Age: 27

Goal Weight: 180

I'll bump this thread back to the forefront just b/c I was at the gym yesterday and the scale read 180. It only took a year, but I finally got there.


This thread reminds me, what ever happened to our resident weight loss expert GTScott? Did he lose so much weight in the end that he just evaporated?

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