Capt Worley PE
Run silent, run deep
I think it is those stoplights on end of the merge ramps. I saw them on CHiPs when I was a kid and thought they were pretty stupid.
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What the hell's a metering light?
Exactly. There is a stop light at the end of the highway on-ramp. Here's a Wiki description Ramp metering signalsI think it is those stoplights on end of the merge ramps. I saw them on CHiPs when I was a kid and thought they were pretty stupid.
He blew the right front tire and demolished the front bumper. There was other visible damage and maybe more that he discovered later.
HAHAHA Now I can retort to all those times my Dad said, "CHiPs?!?! You won't learn anything from that show!"Exactly. There is a stop light at the end of the highway on-ramp. Here's a Wiki description Ramp metering signals
They are on, most of the ones I see are at least. They only come on during peak hours and it never ceases to amaze me how few people seem to understand how they are supposed to proceed through them or just choose to ignore them entirely. You hear people bitching about how the make it hard to "get up to speed" after being stopped halfway down the ramp, but in most cases the interstate isn't moving that quickly anyway, so there isn't much need for excessive acceleration. I contend that the ramp meters wouldn't be necessary if people knew how to merge into traffic to begin with, but these days everyone seems to have the 'me first' mentality so they all drive as far as they can on the uncontested ramp and then cut people off when they merge over at the last second causing a chain reaction where everyone has to slam on their brakes. Thus we all get slowed down b/c some selfish prick wants to get 3 cars further ahead.The Georgia DOT spent millions of dollars to install those things in metro ATL and to my knowledge they have not turned any of them on. Your tax dollars at work.
Blasphemer! there isn't much need for excessive acceleration.
so area specific. Some places that holds true and others not. Where I grew up when the street lights went out, total chaos ensued. It becomes a four way stop people!!! Traffic backs ups, and accidents/near accidents occur all the time. Like after the first snowfall fo the season people forgot how to drive.You know, a while back some old, somewhat senile guy I know wrote a letter to the editor here observing that traffic seemed to flow better whent he power was out and the traffic signals were out of order. i thought he was nuts. But then, last year when we had daily rotating power outages for 4 months, I observed precisely the same thing. And this was with no police giving hand signals; no nothing. Just a free-for-all at every intersection. yet, there was signifcantly less traffic back-up at every intersection (virtually zero, in fact), and there were no accidents that I am aware of.
Maybe traffic engineering is unimportant, at least up to a certain level of congestion?
THIS IS VERY AREA SPECIFIC!!! Around here when the lights go out it becomes a free-for-all. Most people here must not have to pass a driving test b/c if the light is out it's a good as a green light in all directions. You are taking your life into your own hands driving in a power area specific. Some places that holds true and others not. Where I grew up when the street lights went out, total chaos ensued. It becomes a four way stop people!!! Traffic backs ups, and accidents/near accidents occur all the time. Like after the first snowfall fo the season people forgot how to drive.
I resemble this remarkPrecisely the reason I need a truck with 400 hp.![]()
This is a pretty standard move in Florida where I came from ....I was on a two-lane road yesterday and saw an impatient guy nearly roll his Explorer. He was behind a big truck and I was behind him. He tried to pass the truck - got into the other lane, but there was a vehicle coming at him head-on in the other lane. Instead of pulling back in behind the truck, he went off the other side of the road, hit a ditch, went flying and hit hard.
There are so many things that we do that are risky behavior that CAN be avoided. I have stopped tinkering with radio stations, environmental controls, iPod, blackberry, etc. while driving - all things that can divert your attention for those few seconds that can lead to a bad situation. I have MINIMIZED the time I may spend on a cell phone while driving - haven't given up on it entirely, though I don't dial while driving.It happened in a few seconds. And what I want to tell all of you is that the risks that we take every day seem like a necessary part of life, but they are RISKS.
My crappy Kia can hardly sustain 70MPH much less 80!!!Even econoboxes cruise smotthly at 80+ mph, so people (especially young people) tend to cruise there.