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It's totally a woman thing...rather than being happy for someone when they have something great, we try to tear her down to make sure we don't feel badly about ourselves. It's like junior high all over again...if I can make fun of another girl, then maybe no one will notice something about me. It's evil and stupid.

And it happens here at my work...even though it's a bunch of old wrinkly engineers...

We had a big "brew-ha-ha" here the other day where female A told a female peer B that B needed to go home and change because A didn't think B's clothes fit the dress code. A is not B's supervisor and A did not go to B's supervisor with the concern. She just took it upon herself to be the "dress code police"......... Oh, and B's clothes were within the dress code.

Wow... I haven't heard of anyone getting sent home for a dress code violation... not since high school anyway!

Although, I have to admit, my t-shirt with cartoons of pigs in a variety of sexual positions smoking weed was DEFINITELY not appropriate... but I thought it was kinda funny

So, they sent me home... and I just didn't go back! :D

We had a big "brew-ha-ha" here the other day where female A told a female peer B that B needed to go home and change because A didn't think B's clothes fit the dress code. A is not B's supervisor and A did not go to B's supervisor with the concern. She just took it upon herself to be the "dress code police"......... Oh, and B's clothes were within the dress code.

This thread about perceived lunchtime infidelity made me remember when I saw that first hand.

There's a dam that goes over the Connecticut River right near where my old office used to be. There's some park space there with picnic tables. I used to each lunch there some days when it was nice.

So I pulled in one day and saw only one other car in the parking lot. Looked like a guy just sitting in his car. As soon as I made eye contact, he got this deer in the headlights look. Suddenly I see a woman emerge from below eye level, and they tore out of there.

I told my boss when I got back to the office. I said I can understand the mid-day quickie, but I wondered why they didn't just go home and do that. He said, "What makes you think they're married?"

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I told my boss when I got back to the office. I said I can understand the mid-day quickie, but I wondered why they didn't just go home and do that. He said, "What makes you think they're married?"
or that she wasn't for hire?

I have successfully recruited another runner. Now I'm running with 2 guys, lol. Is this better or worse??
