Random Topics 3.1

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I guess I should start bringing the french press to work.
This guy knows how to coffee

It's really hard for me to believe I'm a PE since I just went from a very 'you need to get your PE to stamp stuff' field of work into public sector...where I will never stamp anything, since it's all done by contracted A/E.  HA.  HA.  HA.  ALL THAT TIME AND EFFORT FOR NOTHING.  HA.  HA.  HA.
I've always been in the public sector and don't plan to change that, TBH.  I got my P.E. license because I could and someday it may get me a leg up on the competition for a job.

hey, I haven't looked at the "random topics thread in a couple weeks, I wonder what I've missed?

All done. Boss just said keep up the good work.
Did...did you get a slap on the butt?

Based on sports events, that is the No. 1 way of showing you are doing good work.
My boss Doug does slap me on the butt a lot...
Obviously this means you're doing an amazing job and will get many raises!
... however, there was that one time when is was less of a slap and more of a cup ...
...as long as they didn't do a cup/reach around to the inside, you're good?  I think?  I don't know if cupping the berries is a yes or no for guys in the workplace?

I can't wait for it to snow again.
We haven't seen any real snow in the DMV this season. And it's getting to the point where I don't think we're going to get anything this year.

I'm of two minds when it comes to snow. Either give me some nice gluggaveður (conversational snow); which doesn't interfere with walking or driving and melts quick, or make it enough to shut things down for a few days. None of this in-between ********.

Passed along my tax stuff stuff to a CPA yesterday.
I did my taxes over the weekend. Or maybe I should say that I did my taxes, my wife's taxes, and our taxes five different ways over the weekend to try to maximize the return as much as possible. I'm still waiting to experience the cuts portion of the <OBVIOUS AIRQUOTES> Tax Cuts and Jobs Act <OBVIOUS AIRQUOTES>. Between Uncle Sam and Uncle Larry Hogan, we pay more in both raw dollars and percentage of income than we did two years ago.

Ugh. I just did a mock-return for my taxes and I'm going to def owe some money.  Forgot that the money that was paid directly towards my student loan counted as income, so it bumped me into a higher bracket.  Booooo.
I told you that was going to happen! The SLRP is a mixed blessing. Economically it's worth it though.

When you folks take vacations/days off and put the info up on shared calendars, how much info do you put?

For me, I put "Lyceefruit - PTO" or "Lyceefruit - site visit".

But some of my coworkers put "John - rockclimbing in the desert" "Jason - hunting/ATV trip in CO" "Ashley - Dr appt" 
Depends on the guidance I had at the time. Usually I just put Name and type of leave, omiting the location.

I once had a boss that required us to put locations for EVERYTHING on our calendar. So I've definitely done some humble brags for vacations, and occasional snarky remarks for both work and non-work stuff.

It's been 2 months since the release of my exam results and sometimes it's still hard to believe I'm a PE. I didn't really have many professional goals after that, so I guess the next one is retirement.
Promotions? Acceptance as a fellow in your professional society, membership in NAE, appointment to State Licensing Board? Lots of things to aspire to!

It's really hard for me to believe I'm a PE since I just went from a very 'you need to get your PE to stamp stuff' field of work into public sector...where I will never stamp anything, since it's all done by contracted A/E.  HA.  HA.  HA.  ALL THAT TIME AND EFFORT FOR NOTHING.  HA.  HA.  HA.
That's only mostly true. Some public sector people have to stamp things. or they are required to have the license to show authority or competency. But yeah, in government, and especially in my discipline, it's more of honorific that opens doors.

I recommend Peets.
Bro. No. This was rated one of the worst coffees! And I agree with those ratings.

I did my taxes over the weekend. Or maybe I should say that I did my taxes, my wife's taxes, and our taxes five different ways over the weekend to try to maximize the return as much as possible. I'm still waiting to experience the cuts portion of the <OBVIOUS AIRQUOTES> Tax Cuts and Jobs Act <OBVIOUS AIRQUOTES>. Between Uncle Sam and Uncle Larry Hogan, we pay more in both raw dollars and percentage of income than we did two years ago.
I'm not going to lie, having children are great for taxes. The TCJA increased the CTC from $1k per child to $2k.

I wholeheartedly agree with the reduction of the eligible income levels reducing from $200k/$400k to $75k/$110k (single/jointly). Lets be real, no couple making ~$400k needs a $2k tax credit.

I hope one day I'll have a full-time job where having a PE is.. appreciated? My boss understands it is an accomplishment, but doesn't think much of it since I don't need it for my current role. I'm going to starting signing stuff on the side for my dad's engineering firm, so at least I have that. I guess that makes me the Senior Electrical Engineer for him now lol

Looks like it's snowing a little bit in Indianapolis? I heard there's an arctic blast rolling through. Hopefully it brings some more snow this way.
Yeah, it's funny, because most people are like, "It's a license!  I mean, what did it cost, like $1k and some paperwork?" and then get confused when I burst into laughter and cry myself to sleep for the next five days.  Interestingly enough, my dad who is a teacher totally understand where I am coming from with the PE.  NYS is a bit crazy with all licenses, not just the PE, so when I was explaining all the backup I needed and studying he was really on my side.  I'm lucky because where I am now my supervisor is a PE in numerous states (did stuff for USACE before going to the VA), so he understands the whole PE-thing.

It is snowing in Indy, but nothing serious.  I'm actually...surprised at how bad Midwesterners drive in the snow?  Last night we had some heavy weight snow, maybe an inch, but it was wet stuff I'm used to, and people were driving so slow.  It was 37.  It wasn't freezing.  Little Corolla was letting me squeeze through and zip by as the huge trucks loomed.  I want more snow!  

@Master slacker/ @RBHeadge PE, I figured the license would give me the leg-up on a couple of jobs/show I can be serious.  We'll see how it works out in the future for me!  Still trying to decide if I want to attempt for reciprocity for Indiana, and have the two stamps, or just stick with NY.

@RBHeadge PE Yesssssssss.  I knew the SLRP was going to mean I owed taxes, but I was hoping they took out enough when they distributed it!!!  I was wrong!!!  I don't owe a crazy amount, maybe $1k spread over Indiana, NY, and federal, but I was hoping to get close to $0 owed like last year.  Def happier to have that loan amount go down, though, so I'm not complaining too much.

I've stamped some books and Christmas cards with my seal.  Technically speaking... could that jeopardize my license?  :D  

I actually use their k-cups, mostly. Theirs are some of the darkest we could find in that form factor. Although we also enjoy the occasional French press of theirs, too.
Some of the best coffee I ever had was when I was part of a monthly coffee box club. They would send me different coffee beans once a month. It was great, except I really liked some of the coffee, but couldn't buy it at the store since most of it was micro-roasts. I cancelled because my goal changed to find something good I could buy locally. My original go-to was New England (breakfast and donut shop blends), but I'm interested what I think of the taste now. I'll try some Saturday morning and see.

I've stamped some books and Christmas cards with my seal.  Technically speaking... could that jeopardize my license?  :D  
Depends.  Did you sign them?  And were the recipients rubbing their hands vigorously together in glee when you handed the gifts over?  Obviously nefarious in nature?

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I always thought signatures were funny things. How could they ever be verified? I know my signature has changed probably at least 4 times. I have a decently sized last name, so over time my signature became increasingly smaller until I was just signing a letter for my last name. And signatures can be forged, so they're essentially useless. I always thought it would be better to use something like a thumbprint, since it is consistent and would be difficult to copy by the average person.

I figured the license would give me the leg-up on a couple of jobs/show I can be serious.  We'll see how it works out in the future for me!  Still trying to decide if I want to attempt for reciprocity for Indiana, and have the two stamps, or just stick with NY.
Depends. You don't *need* the license for Indiana, so getting licensed there is just more money, paperwork, and time. But getting licensed there makes it ethcially cleaner when using PE after your name. Many boards aren't finicky about public sector employees using PE when licensed out of state because they can't actually offer their services to the public. But there are a few boards that are really strict about it. I don't know where Indiana falls on that spectrum.

For me, I'm licensed in Maryland, physically work in Virginia, but my W2 and business card says I work in DC. I probably should get licensed in DC, but for now I just have fine print on my business card.

@RBHeadge PE Yesssssssss.  I knew the SLRP was going to mean I owed taxes, but I was hoping they took out enough when they distributed it!!!  I was wrong!!!  I don't owe a crazy amount, maybe $1k spread over Indiana, NY, and federal, but I was hoping to get close to $0 owed like last year.  Def happier to have that loan amount go down, though, so I'm not complaining too much.
You may be able to talk to HR about getting that changed. They're supposed to give you an option. In practice though, they just do what they want.

I've stamped some books and Christmas cards with my seal.  Technically speaking... could that jeopardize my license?  :D  
Technically yes, or at least be cause for a civil penalty. Though I doubt it would ever happen in practice. That's the sort of thing that they would only penalize for if they were actively looking for a reason to punish you.

I always thought signatures were funny things. How could they ever be verified? I know my signature has changed probably at least 4 times. I have a decently sized last name, so over time my signature became increasingly smaller until I was just signing a letter for my last name. And signatures can be forged, so they're essentially useless. I always thought it would be better to use something like a thumbprint, since it is consistent and would be difficult to copy by the average person.
Everything is electronic or moving that direction anyway. And finger prints are really easy to forge if you have some lead time. And for that matter, does anyone think that the stamp companies are vigilant in ensuring that the recipient has a license and is who they say they are.

Everything is electronic or moving that direction anyway. And finger prints are really easy to forge if you have some lead time. And for that matter, does anyone think that the stamp companies are vigilant in ensuring that the recipient has a license and is who they say they are.
Nah. Long story short, I bought the seal I wanted after getting my license. Then, my dad's business bought me a second seal because they didn't know I had bought one and wanted to surprise me (I still haven't told them I bought one). But that means the office admin was able to purchase a seal with my name and license number without any proof of it being for me.

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With a notary public or a witness.
Do engineers normally have these present when signing plans? Nope. Heck, my wife has signed plenty of stuff for me while I'm at work and something needs to me signed (like mortgage stuff and whatnot). 

With a notary public or a witness. (But I’m not sure if PE’s usually go through one when they stamp a document)
I've either required witness(es) or been a witness to a few things that required a witness(es) for some work items. I can't discuss them here, but suffice to say it was high impact stuff which required a documented chain of accountability.

Everything is electronic or moving that direction anyway. And finger prints are really easy to forge if you have some lead time. And for that matter, does anyone think that the stamp companies are vigilant in ensuring that the recipient has a license and is who they say they are.
Digital is definitely going to be better for signing.
