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So we were skiing yesterday, great day, tons of fresh snow but the two women I took skiing (wife and daughter) were sort of having a struggle bus day for whatever reason. (falling while getting off chair lift, catching an edge of their snowboard and face planting a few times, etc (basically getting the rust out) & they were mad that I was not having any of these issues :D &I was egging it on a little, which they didn't appreciate!

But after a long lunch with a few FU's thrown in we agreed to do one last run. Copper Mountain has this new bubble chair (well it was new last year) and its meant to close down so on windy days the pansies from Texas dont get too cold ;)  (Its like the 2nd longest chair lift in North America) but this dude jumps on with us and asks to close the bubble- (it wasnt really cold) so we obliged, and the guy literally pulls out a decent size bong, throws some buds in and fires it up, he was polite and asked us if we wanted a hit, LOL. I normally would have been irritated as shit, but he was funny as hell,  saw a guy fall down skiiing and he was like, "man that guy is probably stoned!" But the guy was a riot, and aside from me now smelling like weed it was very much needed stress reliever for  a day that shouldnt have been filled with arguing!

So we all agreed that the Stoner was sent down to watch over us, we ended up skiing the freshies until closing time, with a great contact high....

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@JayKay PE hey I saw your comment in the 15k spam thread but it’s locked. 

I need to pass it eventually but I have a few years. My boss wants to retire so his boss is expecting me to take over in the next 2-3 years and I just have to pass the exam. I won’t even stamp anything. Not my job to do it. 

@JayKay PE hey I saw your comment in the 15k spam thread but it’s locked. 

I need to pass it eventually but I have a few years. My boss wants to retire so his boss is expecting me to take over in the next 2-3 years and I just have to pass the exam. I won’t even stamp anything. Not my job to do it. 
Okay.  I think EET lets you re-take the class within a year, right?  If they do, not going to lie, I say do the run.  Train for it.  Get back into shape, and then really enjoy competing, and then take that racing win energy and transfer it into a PE exam win!

Cool! So you're going to take it again in April?
I am still thinking it through and getting over the results. I’ll decide after Christmas. I have time to think it through. 

It’s not a super simple decision because I have a kid and my husband and I are trying to do some other things in our new house. There’s always something going on so it’s a delicate balance.
