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Okay.  I think EET lets you re-take the class within a year, right?  If they do, not going to lie, I say do the run.  Train for it.  Get back into shape, and then really enjoy competing, and then take that racing win energy and transfer it into a PE exam win!
On EET's website, it says: "Your free offer has to be redeemed in the following session."  :sniff:

Though if they let @civilrobot delay it, I'd certainly say go for it. 

On EET's website, it says: "Your free offer has to be redeemed in the following session."  :sniff:

Though if they let @civilrobot delay it, I'd certainly say go for it. 
Look at you doing the Lord’s work. I couldn’t drag myself to the website to look it up. Thanks! Well I guess the policy made the decision for me.

Now I'm refreshing FL's license lookup. Waiting for license numbers to be generated and sent out. Then gonna buy an embossing seal. 

I'm gonna get a self inking one.

My former manager had a stamp and a busted old ink pad. 

I was the satisfying noise of "ker thunk" as I practice since my company doesn't have work in VT rn so it'll be awhile before I seal anything

I'm gonna get a self inking one.

My former manager had a stamp and a busted old ink pad. 

I was the satisfying noise of "ker thunk" as I practice since my company doesn't have work in VT rn so it'll be awhile before I seal anything
Self-inking is the way to go! For PE stamps and for return address stamps, too.

Damn that's a reminder I need to get a new PE stamo in my married name. Do you guys think I should get this one?


The bear is so much more interesting!
