potty training

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Listen up, I've got the market on toilet humor on this board cornered. Got it? (That was funny though)

OMG that's funny. I don't think you are supposed to stand there and cheer though. And how come Dad has to wipe? What's up with that?

holy shit that was funny,I just wish it had subtitles.

I got my last kid out of diapers last year (3 total kids)

that was a day of celebration let me tell you :appl:

That's awesome :appl: Nice touch with the kid at the end.

When I was in college, I remember I knew someone who was training her son. By complete accident one day, her husband was shaving and accidentally (don't ask me) got a glob of shaving cream in the toilet. Apparently her son made the connection to aim for the glob of shaving cream.

So that became the mantra, "Aim for the shaving cream Jarrod!"



Sorry fudgey -- definitely don't want to take that distinction away from you.

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Can't get youtube at work, I'll have to check it out tonight.

Both kids are potty trained (withing last 3 months) only the youngest still has some night time problems.

My wife is hinting at wanting another - and I'm so happy we're out of diapers, I'm thinking NOT!


In China the kids don't wear diapers, just chaps. When they have to go, it's right there on the street! :appl:


I am serious. I warned you.


Oh no ... I came across Fudgey's Potty Training Pictures at Flickr.com

Fudgey's Visual How-To Guide



I am serious. I warned you.


Oh no ... I came across Fudgey's Potty Training Pictures at Flickr.com

Fudgey's Visual How-To Guide



That guy has got some huge sh*t! He has got to lose a couple pounds every time he drops the kids off at the pool! :multiplespotting:

Heh, my dad told me how he potty trained me. He'd throw cheerios into the toilet for me to aim at :multiplespotting:

I grew up on a farm - cats were not considered "useful" animals, dogs were #1.

We had a litter of cats under the front porch (redneck - I know), one of them ran in the front door and pooped in the floor. Let's just say it wasn't pretty for the cats after that.

Back on topic - my mom / dad potty trained me by telling me to pee off the front porch and see if I could hit a cat.

PS - I now have 2 cats. :multiplespotting:

That is some good stuff. (except for that link from JR - man do I regret clicking on that one this morning).

I'd actually like to find some kind of video like that for my son. We're having "challenges" right now getting started on the toilet training.

we ended up going to a child psycologist. He was trained, then untrained, then holding it in till he got sick. But it was the parents that needed the counseling, not the kid. It turned out that we were putting too much pressure on him, and it was his way of having control. We were told leave him alone and have no reaction, positive or negative, and to be mindfull of body language. The problem was fixed in two days.

now it is time for college applications and it is the same thing. press the damn send button kid! :multiplespotting:

we ended up going to a child psycologist. He was trained, then untrained, then holding it in till he got sick. But it was the parents that needed the counseling, not the kid. It turned out that we were putting too much pressure on him, and it was his way of having control. We were told leave him alone and have no reaction, positive or negative, and to be mindfull of body language. The problem was fixed in two days.
now it is time for college applications and it is the same thing. press the damn send button kid! :multiplespotting:
Ooohhh .. it only goes down hill my friend.

I removed my stepson as an insured driver in my household as of 01 Feb (today). Details for another day.


^ I think it's poop on a stick.

I realized we were putting too much pressure on my son when I brought him into the bathroom and he turned to me and said "I don't want you to be so proud of me".

So then I laid off. We used the M&M method. One for pee, two for poop. And we have a little M&M dispenser so every time he goes he can push the handle and get one. After 2 weeks of reminding him often, he's pretty much got it. He even woke up in the middle of the night last night and told us he had to go. He's almost 3 -- which I guess is late (compared to other friends of mine), but it was really at his pace.

It will be a while before we're diaper-free (we still have a 9 month old), but the thought of one out of diapers is very exciting!

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