Hey Everyone,
I wrote this guide to help the aspiring PEs in my company and anyone else who could use a little more knowledge about the "big bad PE exam". It's a simple guide I did on my own after passing the exam in April 2015. I only polled other PEs in my company for the stats and some sections (like the application section) are PA specific but overall it should be general enough.
What I really want to say is thank you to all of you for helping me get through the process with all the valuable knowledge on these boards. Thank you also for keeping me sane through the PCS results release process. This is a great community and I'm happy I can contribute this little bit to it. Thank you Knight too for pinning this!
This guide will eventually need revisions and updating, so if you use it, please let me know what was helpful and what wasn't and I'll try my best to keep up with it. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.