Passed, Pay Raise?

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It remains to be seen for me. I got my license in April 2012, and I work for a small (but growing) engineering firm which is in the midst of having a few very good years, and the order backlog is strong. And just last week, there was a buy-out in which the two guys at the top are now only minority shareholders and working half-time, i.e. starting their ride off to the pasture. I heard informally that I could be promoted to a pretty high position in Engineering since one of the guys that was bought-out is the chief engineer (technically "Vice President of Engineering").

I am thinking that passing in April was very timely based on the changes happening at my company right now, but I'm not holding my breath because I know there aren't any guarantees. What I do know is, if they give me a big title change and heap on a lot more responsibility, I'm going to request to be compensated for it. It would be my first time in 8 years working here to ask for a raise.

Small mining firm. Got notified today of a 5.2% raise. From 45.2/hour to 47.5/hr. Phd plus 5yrs experience till date. Had given up hopes for any raises this year. Whadddya know!

I got a 10% raise for getting my PE. I work in a small consulting firm so that was a great raise, especially since we have had our wages frozen for the last couple of years.

Friend recently passed. He got no raise except a 2500 bonus. Construction management field

Hm..... I guess that was a bit confusing. I meant to say my friend recently passed the exam.

Not sure if you're jk or being serious.

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Friend recently passed.
You must be a Redditor.

Source: is a Redditor.
Geez, that website is getting popular. I've probably talked/argued with one of you on that site...

Anyways, for my input: I work at a consulting firm, so getting the PE was a big deal and was basically required to obtain. I immediately got a $2000 spot bonus and was promised a promotion + 8% raise for my end-of-year performance review. Not too shabby, I think.

3% raise. Not bad considering I didn't ask for a raise and I don't really need a license for my job. It's a higher number I can use to negotiate with other companies now :) .

I passed the April 2012 exam and just now received about an 8% pay raise. :bananapowerslide:
Good for you!

I passed the Oct, 2010 exam and didn't get a raise. I work for city gov't agency and I suppose to get the raise after I passed my PE exam. It is close to 2 years after I passed my PE in CA. and close to 6 months after NY.

I know people will said that I suppose not to get the raise because it is just a personal achievement but when I start working here in 2007 that I been promised to get a raise only if I passed my PE. but ...........not yet. I am only a human being with lower salary (55000) compare to Mechanical Engineer in other place. I have home morgage, utitly bills, baby stuff, etc.

I passed the April 2012 exam and just now received about an 8% pay raise. :bananapowerslide:
Good for you!

I passed the Oct, 2010 exam and didn't get a raise. I work for city gov't agency and I suppose to get the raise after I passed my PE exam. It is close to 2 years after I passed my PE in CA. and close to 6 months after NY.

I know people will said that I suppose not to get the raise because it is just a personal achievement but when I start working here in 2007 that I been promised to get a raise only if I passed my PE. but ...........not yet. I am only a human being with lower salary (55000) compare to Mechanical Engineer in other place. I have home morgage, utitly bills, baby stuff, etc.
You are seriously underpaid, especially if you live in NY or CA. Why don't you look for work elsewhere? The best time to look for a job is when you have a job.

I passed the April 2012 exam and just now received about an 8% pay raise. :bananapowerslide:
Good for you!

I passed the Oct, 2010 exam and didn't get a raise. I work for city gov't agency and I suppose to get the raise after I passed my PE exam. It is close to 2 years after I passed my PE in CA. and close to 6 months after NY.

I know people will said that I suppose not to get the raise because it is just a personal achievement but when I start working here in 2007 that I been promised to get a raise only if I passed my PE. but ...........not yet. I am only a human being with lower salary (55000) compare to Mechanical Engineer in other place. I have home morgage, utitly bills, baby stuff, etc.
You are seriously underpaid, especially if you live in NY or CA. Why don't you look for work elsewhere? The best time to look for a job is when you have a job.
I post why I can not have a new job on #256

too many excuse from my work place. I received my PE license at 2011.1.7 in CA. They first told me that I need NY license in order to do the promotion. I finally have my PE license in NY at 2012.3.1.

My boss have to send to his boss and his boss.... It is almost 4 months and my boss finally have time and send to his boss before his vocation and send the paper work. Now my boss's boss's boss didn't received the paper I have to wait until he come back from vocation in the end of Aug.

This sucks!

1. My boss can do it before and there will be no problem.

2. My boss's excuse everytime is that he is busy....but I saw sometimes he is ok and relax.

3. What ever stuff he told me to do it and I will finish fast and correctly...he now done it slow and incorrect....

My company is big in NYC and the process still in paper work in 19 century.

I CAN'T CHANGE MY JOB NOW BECAUSE MY WIFE IS PREGNANT and I am paying my 2 family house ..almost all my salary went to utility bill,mortgage, car, gas, insurance, etc..

That is why I need my raise so eager....I wait almost 2 years for nothing......

I passed the April 2012 exam and just now received about an 8% pay raise. :bananapowerslide:
Good for you!

I passed the Oct, 2010 exam and didn't get a raise. I work for city gov't agency and I suppose to get the raise after I passed my PE exam. It is close to 2 years after I passed my PE in CA. and close to 6 months after NY.

I know people will said that I suppose not to get the raise because it is just a personal achievement but when I start working here in 2007 that I been promised to get a raise only if I passed my PE. but ...........not yet. I am only a human being with lower salary (55000) compare to Mechanical Engineer in other place. I have home morgage, utitly bills, baby stuff, etc.
You are seriously underpaid, especially if you live in NY or CA. Why don't you look for work elsewhere? The best time to look for a job is when you have a job.
I post why I can not have a new job on #256

too many excuse from my work place. I received my PE license at 2011.1.7 in CA. They first told me that I need NY license in order to do the promotion. I finally have my PE license in NY at 2012.3.1.

My boss have to send to his boss and his boss.... It is almost 4 months and my boss finally have time and send to his boss before his vocation and send the paper work. Now my boss's boss's boss didn't received the paper I have to wait until he come back from vocation in the end of Aug.

This sucks!

1. My boss can do it before and there will be no problem.

2. My boss's excuse everytime is that he is busy....but I saw sometimes he is ok and relax.

3. What ever stuff he told me to do it and I will finish fast and correctly...he now done it slow and incorrect....

My company is big in NYC and the process still in paper work in 19 century.

I CAN'T CHANGE MY JOB NOW BECAUSE MY WIFE IS PREGNANT and I am paying my 2 family house ..almost all my salary went to utility bill,mortgage, car, gas, insurance, etc..

That is why I need my raise so eager....I wait almost 2 years for nothing......
Why can't you change your job because your wife is pregnant? Your insurance will transfer fine and your company has you bent over a barrel KNOWING you won't do anything about it so why would they give you a raise. They are showing you what they think of you so you show them they are wrong and find somewhere else to work that will treat you better.

Why can't you change your job because your wife is pregnant? Your insurance will transfer fine and your company has you bent over a barrel KNOWING you won't do anything about it so why would they give you a raise. They are showing you what they think of you so you show them they are wrong and find somewhere else to work that will treat you better.

And as gte636i pointed out, the best time to look for another job is when you have a job. No one is saying you should just up and quit. But start sending your resume out to other employers. You are almost guaranteed to get a few companies interested in you who may even make you an offer. If you accepted an offer, your insurance and income would pick up where your old job left off (as willsee also pointed out). You have nothing to lose by at least looking around. If you want to be paid what you are worth, only you can MAKE that happen.

Well it has been a while since I been back on this board. After a month wait or so after my boss and I initial meeting at the end of July, I was given a 8.61% raise with the understanding i would be getting another raise end of year or beginning of the year 2012. While the number sounds generous (% wise) I still feel i should be making more, I will wait the next raise and see where I am.

Also I have been transition to be more of a construction manager aspect which I don't mind.

Good Luck to all!

Beginning of 2012 has come and gone. I hope you mean 2013, otherwise your not going to be happy waiting until the end of the year for the proverbial carrot.

Just took the test a few days ago, so won't know if I passed for another 5-6 weeks at least. But, I know I won't get a raise even if I pass. I will get a 3% bonus (same as if I'd gone for a Masters). It will check off a box though towards an eventual promotion, but that could be years in the future.

PE is not required in my field, but still good to have. I'm in heavy trucks right now. Been in aerospace previously.
