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Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
JR said something about downloading P90X during the 10k thread, now he has me intrigued. I may start the program soon. Has anybody done it? I've heard that you have to be in pretty good shape to even start the program. In just reading some of the literature, it seems to be very pull-up heavy. I can do 1 or 2 pull-ups, but not a whole workout consisting of them.

My wife bought the dvd's on ebay, she couldn't do any pull ups but they show you how to work up to it by spotting yourself ..... I did one or two and was seriously sore the next day. Like any workout program if you do something every day for an hour your bound to see results.

I should be doing them right now but I was finishing off a tub of sour cream

I know a couple of guys around here who swear by the P90X program. I've thought about trying it.

That was me on the post yesterday (man, with all the mistakes, maybe JR is my long lost twin?)

It is seriously intense.

I think a big part of it is that if you stick to it like you should, you are looking at 7 days a week, 45 minutes-1.5 hours of exercise a day. That's a lot more exercise than even some people who go to the gym to hit the treadmills and such are accustomed to.

The pull ups from what I've read aren't just up-down-repeat, but have a lot of lateral movement as well. So even if you're just dangling there and can't go up all the way, you can still get some benefit from it.

My belt actually BROKE the other day, and a pair of pants I fit into 3 months ago I'd be lucky to get in with the aid of Crisco and a Shoe Horn. My goal now is to drop 25 pounds in two months. I think I'm going to try to contact someone on Craigslist tonight who is selling it and see if I can pick it up later this week. I don't have any weights here or a pullup bar, so that will be next on my list.

I will say that I am still just as sore today as I am yesterday, especially in my legs/hamstrings, and that was with just a single 45 minute workout.

That was me on the post yesterday (man, with all the mistakes, maybe JR is my long lost twin?)

It is seriously intense.

I think a big part of it is that if you stick to it like you should, you are looking at 7 days a week, 45 minutes-1.5 hours of exercise a day. That's a lot more exercise than even some people who go to the gym to hit the treadmills and such are accustomed to.

The pull ups from what I've read aren't just up-down-repeat, but have a lot of lateral movement as well. So even if you're just dangling there and can't go up all the way, you can still get some benefit from it.

My belt actually BROKE the other day, and a pair of pants I fit into 3 months ago I'd be lucky to get in with the aid of Crisco and a Shoe Horn. My goal now is to drop 25 pounds in two months. I think I'm going to try to contact someone on Craigslist tonight who is selling it and see if I can pick it up later this week. I don't have any weights here or a pullup bar, so that will be next on my list.

I will say that I am still just as sore today as I am yesterday, especially in my legs/hamstrings, and that was with just a single 45 minute workout.
Crap...I don't know what the deal is, but I confuse your avatar with JR all the freakin' time.

I already work out 30-45 minutes a day, but my routine is getting stale. I'm downloading all 14 videos (44.3 GB!) at the moment. I saw some places that said you need resistance bands, pull-up and dip bars, and weights. I have the weights, but the other two, I don't. I don't even know if a pull-up bar would fit in my house since I don't even have full 8' ceilings.

^It sucks when you get into a workout rut. I've been finding I do the same machines at the gym almost every time. I need to get a book with workout routines to bring along with me.

Well, my rut has led me to lose 90 lbs and pack on a lot of muscle in the last year and a half...but it is getting harder to motivate myself to do the routines because I'm bored of them. I have worked out every day for the last 553 days (1 year, 6 months, and 6 days). The first 365 days were biking on the exercise bike or mountain bike every day. Since then, I have biked every other day and lifted weights every other day. It's getting to where I dread the biking days, and rush the lifting days. It's time for something new.

My husband loves P90X and he has noticed a difference. I mostly go to the gym but I do the videos occasionally and I really like them. They have modifications to most exercises to help beginners. My personal favorite is the Ab Ripper X workout.

P90X, sounds like a part number for a motor or something.

I actually had to tighten up one hole on my belt recently, and I do not exercise (I know, I should). The wii says I am overweight but I don't feel it at 6'3" and 210 lbs. I was up to 230 at my heaviest, but cut out the soda and fast food and now basically just drink water, lost those 20 pounds.

P90X, sounds like a part number for a motor or something.
I actually had to tighten up one hole on my belt recently, and I do not exercise (I know, I should). The wii says I am overweight but I don't feel it at 6'3" and 210 lbs. I was up to 230 at my heaviest, but cut out the soda and fast food and now basically just drink water, lost those 20 pounds.
I lost 15 lbs before I started working out just by cutting out soda. I was drinking a lot of it, and the "high test" stuff at that (Mt. Dew and Dr. Pepper). It's funny because your "heaviest" is what I am down to. I'm 6'2" and 225-230...down from 315.

I did it beginnnig in jan 09, lost 22 pounds. You dont have to do pull ups, they teach variations that you can do with the resistance bands until you strong enough to tackle the pullup bar.

The program is intense and like everyone stated you have to be committed. You can take the 7th day off, the workout that day is optional, its a stretch dvd.

P90X, sounds like a part number for a motor or something.
I actually had to tighten up one hole on my belt recently, and I do not exercise (I know, I should). The wii says I am overweight but I don't feel it at 6'3" and 210 lbs. I was up to 230 at my heaviest, but cut out the soda and fast food and now basically just drink water, lost those 20 pounds.
I am right there with you Paul... 6'-3" and generally hovering between 215 and 220... at my highest recently I was 235 at New Years... I dropped a ton of weight by bringing my own lunch to work (salads with chicken), switching my breakfast to a piece of fruit and oatmeal, and drinking water all day. Sadly, my current assignment has me on the road 4+ hours a day now and am working between two offices so I am struggling to stay under 220. If I could just find it in myself to cut out the beer at night, I bet the rest of my weight would fall right off.

The lightest I have been in recent history was a very lean 200 pounds, so wii and all of those other charts can go scratch... There is no way in hell I would ever get down to 180 and not look like I need to eat something!

I did the Ab Ripper to the best of my abilities last night. It's very tough, but surprisingly doesn't work the sides of your abs as much as I would have thought.

My biggest problem with it is that you need to keep your legs straight for most of the exercises. My hamstrings are so tight, that I can't even bend over and hang at a 90, never mind touch my toes, so I had to cheat on a lot of it. It was only 20-something minutes long, and I was still sweating when it was done though. You really need a thick mat to do it or you'll hurt your back/tail bone. My floor wasn't cutting it.

Need to hold off on the rest until I pick up some resistance bands and buy the full DVD set, so for now I'll just alternate back and forth between these two, probably with a day off in between until my body copes with it some. I'm usually pretty beat just from walking around this job site as it is.

Just as a side note, all the travel and fast food brought my up to about 200 pounds again. My all time low was 167-169, but that was REALLY working out EVERY day and a super strict diet. There's no reason I can't be in the mid-upper 170's as my walk around weight. I looked (comparably) great at that time, so that's where my goal is.

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Need to hold off on the rest until I pick up some resistance bands and buy the full DVD set, so for now I'll just alternate back and forth between these two, probably with a day off in between until my body copes with it some. I'm usually pretty beat just from walking around this job site as it is.
What is the other one you got besides Ab Ripper?

Do the videos make recommendations on what kind of resistance bands you need to get? I know I already need to pick up a heart rate monitor and a pull-up bar. This is turning out to be an expensive endeavor.

What is the other one you got besides Ab Ripper?
Do the videos make recommendations on what kind of resistance bands you need to get? I know I already need to pick up a heart rate monitor and a pull-up bar. This is turning out to be an expensive endeavor.

The cardio one. That thing destroyed me. I've only got the three videos, no recommendations on the bands that I've seen, but it may be with the literature or in one of the other videos.

I started P90X on Saturday, and all I can say is HOLY ****! The first day was Chest and Back which consists of 3 different pull-ups, 6 different push-ups, and 3 weight training exercises. You do 1 set of each to failure (no set number of reps), then do the whole thing again. They give you ways to "cheat" on the pull-ups, but it still ain't easy. Then, after all that, you do Ab Ripper X. The second day was Plyometrics which must be Greek for "You didn't need your lower body anyway". There are a whole bunch of squat, lunge, and jumping exercises, but it's mainly a cardio workout. I can't remember what's on the plate tonight, but it's either arms or legs..then another bout with Ab Ripper X (which, BTW, rips the **** out of your abs...I haven't done it yet when I wasn't sore for the next 2 days).
