ordering a pizza in 2015

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How pleasant, resort to namecalling. Typical when your argument is ludicrous.
I'm sorry, I missed your swearing in ceremony. Things are what they are. If anybody is unhappy here, it seems like you.
Dumbass modifies the word "argument", not the name "benbo".

So, if we are unhappy with the status quo and/or the direction of things to come, the only solution is to leave? And where, pray tell, should I go? About the only options to avoid ridiculous government intervention is to buy my own island or go completely "off the grid". Neither of which is an attractive option since it would result in a lowering in my quality of life....not because of the lack of government, but because of the lack of private enterprise capable of selling me the things I am accustomed to and the lack of an ability to make money to pay for said goods/services. But apparently expressing my views makes you unhappy, in which case, I am completely unconcerned. Likewise with namecalling, I typically see the "if you don't like it, then leave" argument when the Statist runs out of valid arguments against me.

I don't think the 4th amendment states anything about crime, just prohibits unreasonable search and seizure. I don't see the TSA searching folks at the airport as unreasonable given the safety implications.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
It seems to me that the 4th Amendment only considers a search "reasonable" if there is a Warrant issued that is supported by probably cause, and names the party to be searched and things to be seized. Does me buying an airline ticket give the government probable cause that I am going to hijack the aircraft? Is it a valid substitute for a Warrant?

Dumbass modifies the word "argument", not the name "benbo".
So, if we are unhappy with the status quo and/or the direction of things to come, the only solution is to leave? And where, pray tell, should I go? About the only options to avoid ridiculous government intervention is to buy my own island or go completely "off the grid". Neither of which is an attractive option since it would result in a lowering in my quality of life....not because of the lack of government, but because of the lack of private enterprise capable of selling me the things I am accustomed to and the lack of an ability to make money to pay for said goods/services. But apparently expressing my views makes you unhappy, in which case, I am completely unconcerned. Likewise with namecalling, I typically see the "if you don't like it, then leave" argument when the Statist runs out of valid arguments against me.
I don't recall telling you to leave, I was under the impression you were telling me to go to China.

I don't see how interpretation is necessary. Is Education in the Constitution? No. Therefore the 10th Amendment says that it is up to the States or People to handle. The same applies to Labor, Transportation, Agriculture, HUD and Energy.
All of which can be 'justified' if you stretch the meaning of commerce.

I'm not saying I agree; I'm just saying that's how the gov got into a lot of stuff you would think the 10th Ammendment bars them from doing.

I don't recall telling you to leave, I was under the impression you were telling me to go to China.
Your argument "If you don't want to be searched, drive or fly your own plane." was simply a variation on a theme. Avoidance doesn't solve the problem.

All of which can be 'justified' if you stretch the meaning of commerce.
I'm not saying I agree; I'm just saying that's how the gov got into a lot of stuff you would think the 10th Ammendment bars them from doing.
Even if you did stretch the meaning of commerce to include all of those items, why would we need all of the different Departments? They could just be sub-sets of the Department of Commerce. This is how bureaucracy grows to the point that it has in the country. You make one stretch of a definition to justify one bureaucrat, then that bureaucrat stretches the definition even further, etc. Eventually, you end up with an unsustainable model.

Your argument "If you don't want to be searched, drive or fly your own plane." was simply a variation on a theme. Avoidance doesn't solve the problem.
Thanks for the interpretation. I'm sure you would never resort to such a tactic. oops, you did.

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Even if you did stretch the meaning of commerce to include all of those items, why would we need all of the different Departments? They could just be sub-sets of the Department of Commerce.
They could be, but that would lead to a bloated Commerce Department with unclear chains of command and responsibilities.

Nah, man. Vote, get involved in campaigning for candidates, or, shoot, run yourself.
True.. If I was really that worried about it, I'd be dedicating my life to solving this fascistic encroachment on our liberties.

The time for debate is over.

Tomorrow we nationalize everything. You're all on government contract with government benefits from now on.

The time for debate is over.
Tomorrow we nationalize everything. You're all on government contract with government benefits from now on.
Sorry to tell you - these tiresome debates on this message board aren't going to do anything. If you really believe that what are you wasting your time working for?

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Work? Spamming EB is work!
Onwards, comrades!
You convinced me! The TSA is the SS and the KGB rolled into one! I’m going to furiously spam every message board in sight to bring this horror to an end to this! Sorry I can’t be back here, it appears my brethren are carrying on the fight for liberty in this pizza thread.
