October 2019 Post Exam Wait Period - Welcome to the Suck

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I applied through ncees directly, not Dora so that would imply that I would not show up in the Colorado license verification tool. Correct? Or did I just fail.
I missed this.

Since you did not apply to take the exam through DORA (you just registered through NCEES, like I did), you will not show up in their lookup system. You're in the same boat as me, waiting for NCEES to show. 

TX Civil Structural pass with score of 78 🎂🎂

(TBPE released scores on their website, not all states do the same)

Howdy folks, I wrote a novel about how I prepared for the Civil: Geotechnical Exam for the benefit of anyone who failed... or anyone, really.

First time poster, long time lurker during the wait period.

Wanted to share my story. As most of us were suffering during the suck, nature decided to have a snow storm here in the NYC area Wednesday morning. I made my daily routine to the bakery every morning and paid for my breakfast. Normally I place my wallet in my pants pocket, but I was wearing a long jacket (past my pants pocket) because of the weather and decided to place my wallet in my jacket pocket instead. I figured that the bakery is only two blocks from the train station, it would be easier to grab my wallet if it was in my jacket. When I got to the train station, I go into my pocket: my wallet, not there. Must have dropped it. Back tracking my steps in hopes to find it, no luck.

So, I had to file a police report, called my bank, request for my drivers license replacement, called the credit reporting agencies, etc. Safe to say, it was a whirlwind of a morning. I thought to myself, if the results came out today, with my luck I would have failed. Fortunately, no results came out on Wednesday. But with Friday the 13th (gasp!) coming, if the results didn’t come out on Thursday I would have also failed. Fast forward to Thursday lunch break, I was sitting at my desk, refreshing this thread and some states were releasing results. Productivity after my lunch period = Zero. I got the email at 1:55pm eastern time, my heart accelerated as I logged in and BOOM! I PASSED! I made a silent fist bump to myself with a grin. Productivity after my results = Negative.

I am thrilled not having to tell my coworkers I did not get the results yet anymore. I can now keep moving forward (inspiration being my username) to the next summit. For those still in the “wait” best of luck and I extend my recent good fortunes to you.

I failed!!!! However, I feel that I did pretty good in the PM. My problem is in the temporary structures for the PM and Water in the AM... Any advice?!?!?!? I need help with those topics and school of PE is not been too helpful, at least I feel that the material provided is not helping me.  😕 


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