Hey guys! Long-time lurker of this board - I know the "register for the next exam" trick has been thoroughly debunked, but I just logged on and instead of saying "Exam of this type has already been registered" as it has for the past few days, I am now able to register again for the same exam I took. I don't know if that still means nothing, or if it's an early sign that I failed.
Temptation to troll rising.Huh. But then, why the sudden change? Prior to 12/9 I got the "Registration opens on 12/9" message, then between 12/9 and now it was "Exam of this type has already been registered", and now as of this morning it's showing I can register again.

I'm sorry for your loss.it was a bad week for me anyhow; my grandfather passed away and I had a midterm in a class all in the same week (I'm currently a grad student).
Let's just say that I haven't preloaded my usual release day posts (map, when to add pe, etc) into EB yet.what about today?
Things got pretty toxic yesterday. Pet photos helped clam things down.Why is this suck thread turning into a spam thread?