Quoting this from way earlier, seems like this prediction was accurate. Out of curiosity, what made the OCT 14 release such a crapstorm?
@RBHeadge PE lived through it, so he could tell you more certainly, but the petroleum cut score meeting was particularly late that year. (This is fairly typical with the smaller, once-per-year exams. It generally takes them longer to get PEs and SMEs together to schedule the meeting.) That year, NCEES also took a little bit longer than usual to go through their QA processes and final approval, which resulted in the initial release being pushed back to day 52.
Most states released on days 52-54, which sucked, but was a breeze compared to some states. I think North Dakota sent out letters that arrived on Christmas Eve, which was a welcome Christmas gift to those who passed... And probably steep ramp down into holiday alcoholism for those who didn't.
Bar-none, the worst was Pennsylvania. They used a third-party to approve and release results:

cs: . Sometime in early January (IIRC) the state started issuing license numbers to people who had actually failed the exam, which were taken down shortly thereafter. After a few weeks of confusion and finger pointing, they finally released on something like Day 88 of The Suck, in mid to late February, disturbingly close to the registration deadline for the April exam.