October 2019 Post Exam Wait Period - Welcome to the Suck

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Me when a coworker asks if I've gotten the results yet. 

Also me when somebody on this thread keeps telling people to chill out and get a hobby. Or tells people to go back and read hundreds of replies. 

This. is. rough. 
As someone who had to sit the exam three times, while working a 65+ hours week consulting in the field, constantly getting told by my principals that I'll get it because I'm smart: Don't worry.  You'll get it someday.  Things are rough right now but relax.  Take a deep breath.  Maybe don't have another cup of coffee.

Spiral into an ice cream + Parks and Rec rerun cycle and get your work done at the office.  The days are shorter, take care of yourself and hydrate.

Just breath.  Results are coming.  For better or worse, the sun will still rise tomorrow.  *pat pat*

As someone who had to sit the exam three times, while working a 65+ hours week consulting in the field, constantly getting told by my principals that I'll get it because I'm smart: Don't worry.  You'll get it someday.  Things are rough right now but relax.  Take a deep breath.  Maybe don't have another cup of coffee.

Spiral into an ice cream + Parks and Rec rerun cycle and get your work done at the office.  The days are shorter, take care of yourself and hydrate.

Just breath.  Results are coming.  For better or worse, the sun will still rise tomorrow.  *pat pat*
I heard you!!!! I had to go to Publix and buy an ice cream pint (keto to make it healthier)  and eat it in the office while everyone ask me for the result and then cheers me at the same time 😂

As someone who had to sit the exam three times, while working a 65+ hours week consulting in the field, constantly getting told by my principals that I'll get it because I'm smart: Don't worry.  You'll get it someday.  Things are rough right now but relax.  Take a deep breath.  Maybe don't have another cup of coffee.

Spiral into an ice cream + Parks and Rec rerun cycle and get your work done at the office.  The days are shorter, take care of yourself and hydrate.

Just breath.  Results are coming.  For better or worse, the sun will still rise tomorrow.  *pat pat*
Honestly, the *pat pat* just really did it for me. Made me feel like I got an internet hug. Love to see it. Thanks for the encouragement!

I heard you!!!! I had to go to Publix and buy an ice cream pint (keto to make it healthier)  and eat it in the office while everyone ask me for the result and then cheers me at the same time 😂
I don't understand keto, but good for you to make a choice that's healthier for you!  I kinda just lurked around the office and hoped nobody asked (I was mostly a geotech firm, so they all just know I took the exam).  Felt horrible when someone was like, "And this is Jay Kay, PE" and I was like, "No, no, just Jay Kay".

Sucks because in NY I couldn't call myself an "Engineer/PE" until I got my license number...which was another 3 months after I received my results.

Honestly, the *pat pat* just really did it for me. Made me feel like I got an internet hug. Love to see it. Thanks for the encouragement!
Everyone on this board has gone through what you're all going through!  We all commiserate with this pain and anxiety and not knowing!  Things are a lot faster nowadays, but I remember having to take my FE in a huge college basketball court in Brooklyn and dying to get my results for months!  Things can always get worse, so worry about them tomorrow if they're still there.

Passing an exam...you can always retry or reapply.  Worrying about it too much isn't healthy.  Take care of yourself.  Hydrate.  JK is here for virtual hugs/pats/hope.

I think they still hold up as decent TV, but the pacing is dated and the action is campy. Still wholesome!

Ok valid to dislike DS9, but you'll want to check your dates there as DS9 aired prior to Babylon. So the worst you could say is that Babylon much improved upon the premise of DS9.
Interesting. I stand corrected.
I swear I remember watching a lot of Babylon 5 and then DS9 premiering, but it looks like they both came out at basically the same time Jan 93 for DS9 and Feb 93 for Babylon.

Related, but unknown at the time I made my original point. I found this is my googling. Even though they came out at the same time, there is evidence that DS9 producers were actively ripping off B5.

I still watch them!  Pacing is slower than TV now, but that's ok.  Everything doesn't need to be in your face and explode-y.  

B5 was actually pitched to Paramont and turned down prior to WB picking it up, so there is a possibility of 'borrowing' 😃
I didn't know that, but just shared an article about it. Oh to be young and naive again.

It looks like for a minute there we have discovered a new phase.  Phase 6 - Mass Hysteria making Results Phase 7.
It was like one of those horrible, horrible, boat-rides at the theme park where you go back and forth.  It starts out slow.  Nobody's concerned.  Starts to go a little higher.  Nervous laughter.  Nobody else seems as concerned as you.  Starts to go higher.  Child next to you has thrown up.  An older gentlemen has passed out.  The ride operator is yelling they can't stop it.

The ride continues to climb and you wonder if you told your child you loved them this morning.
