I came on here just to say that other members here need to understand that “8 to 10 weeks” is not an acceptable delivery/deadline/submittal date to most people working in their respective fields. Furthermore, it’s wrong to flippantly state that those members are not acting “professionally” when they are actually working professionally and are used to being held to a high standard of communication & punctuality. In their field, in their day to day career and mine to be honest, the conversation should not go like this and certainly doesn’t go like this :
Client: So when are you going to get that thing done for us?
Professional: 8 to 10 weeks.
Client: Ok, good to know but looking back on records, you typically have gotten it done around 6 weeks or so. Any odd chance it’ll be closer to 6 weeks or 8 rather than 10?
Professional: 8 to 10 weeks.
Client: Ok….so how far along are you?
Professional: 8 to 10 weeks.
Client: Ok, can you give us any idea of what has been done to date and what needs done before you can deliver? Do you need to hold a meeting?
Professional: 8 to 10 weeks.
Client: Look, it’s the holidays and people need to plan projects for next year that are dependent on the results of your thing.
Professional: 8 to 10 weeks.
Client: So you’re saying 10 weeks?
Professional: 8 to 10 weeks.
Client: And if you don’t deliver in “8 to 10” weeks, nothing happens…..because?
Professional: 8 to 10 weeks (or more).
Client: Sigh……
Look, [SIZE=11pt]I’m just here, waiting for bad news like a lot of other people. Yes, it’s frustrating but it’s also frustrating that people are being very nearly insulted for even insinuating that a hard set date for results release that could coincide with registration opening with the next exam would make sense. That it would be better to set a firm date so that registrations for exams, prep courses, and the like could be based off that set date. Hell, even some transparency would be better. “X,Y,Z need to all happen before results are released and only X has happened with Y and Z planned for these dates”. A set date and communication are both more professional and more realistic behavior for a PE than “8 to 10 weeks or more”. To understand that it is what it is but to suggest something better is possible, should not be met with insults.[/SIZE]