October 2019 15k SPAM Thread

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Wow, international travel. I might be able to afford that eventually.

I might also discover Bigfoot...

we're gonna do a combo thing of sharks in the am, shower the grime off, then whales in the pm for time efficiency. with the same company and they will feed us and keep us safe i hope! LOL
Yeah, that's pretty normal.

Tours are weather dependent, if the seas are too rough, you may have to come back another day to do the swim. You may want to build some of that flexibility into your schedule.

Safety shouldn't be an issue. Eleven months out of the year, the sharks do not care about humans. We are just physical non-food objects in the background to be avoided while they try to eat the big-fish chunks that the boats use to draw them in. The sharks are just looking for an easy meal. The guides put the fishheads on a rope and pull it in front of the cages so the tourists can see the shark in action.

Unless you are visiting in July. That's their mating season. The males are hyped up on sex hormones and behave super aggressive and stupid. (sound familiar?). that's the only time the sharks start acting aggressive towards the humans in the cages.

Also, try to see the penguins while you are in the area. That species may be extinct in the wild in ~thirty years so you should try to see them while you can. You have a car, so it should be really easy to stop by one of their rookeries.

If you're into geographic extreme's see about driving to Cape Aghulas. It's the ACTUAL southernmost point of Africa and the place where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans meet. Unlike the Cape of Good Hope, it's not very pretty.

Yeah, that's pretty normal.

Tours are weather dependent, if the seas are too rough, you may have to come back another day to do the swim. You may want to build some of that flexibility into your schedule.

Safety shouldn't be an issue. Eleven months out of the year, the sharks do not care about humans. We are just physical non-food objects in the background to be avoided while they try to eat the big-fish chunks that the boats use to draw them in. The sharks are just looking for an easy meal. The guides put the fishheads on a rope and pull it in front of the cages so the tourists can see the shark in action.

Unless you are visiting in July. That's their mating season. The males are hyped up on sex hormones and behave super aggressive and stupid. (sound familiar?). that's the only time the sharks start acting aggressive towards the humans in the cages.

Also, try to see the penguins while you are in the area. That species may be extinct in the wild in ~thirty years so you should try to see them while you can. You have a car, so it should be really easy to stop by one of their rookeries.

If you're into geographic extreme's see about driving to Cape Aghulas. It's the ACTUAL southernmost point of Africa and the place where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans meet. Unlike the Cape of Good Hope, it's not very pretty.
we're going in early august so hopefully they'll be done mated? 😮 the 11th is our slated day for sharkisms

we've got the usual penguin spot and betty's bay on our list for penguinos! 

Lamb?  Roast?  Pre-sliced spiral ham?
Lamb for Friendsgiving.

I did a roast on Sunday for Boyfriend's family (and we're still eating it....)

And my gram is doing a roast on Friday when Boyfriend & I go visit


Lamb for Friendsgiving.

I did a roast on Sunday for Boyfriend's family (and we're still eating it....)

And my gram is doing a roast on Friday when Boyfriend & I go visit

That is a lot of meat.  I was thinking of a roast for myself, but it's a hella ton of meat.  Have you sliced it thin for a roast beast sandwich on rye?

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