October 2019 15k SPAM Thread

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I like my library app because I can sign out a book for 21 days...Which means I can read a ton in the first couple of days I have it, ignore it for a week or two, and then cram-read the last couple of days before it is due.   Def get where you are coming from with the 'too distracted to give this book attention'.

@LyceeFruit having duplicates of cleaning supplies is never a bad thing, just saying.
Yes and no... we have a 600sq ft house. So it's finding space for it... 

Yes and no... we have a 600sq ft house. So it's finding space for it... 
Ahhhhhhh, okay.  I'm used to living in small quarters.  Main thing that helped with me was thinking more vertically instead of sizing.  My new apartment mighttttt be bigger than your house.  Which is confusing.  I now feel like I need to measure my apartment when I get home (I'm horrible at guessing square-footage).  I purged a ton before I moved into my new apartment and now I'm like...I don't have enough stuff.

*Edit* - Top post?  Somehow?

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