October 2019 15k SPAM Thread

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Programming question of the day. Try to do it all in your head. What value does the function return?

int main()
    int a, b = 5, c = 5, d = 1;
    a = (b++ > c) ? ((b - d++) < c) ? d + c : d + 1 : ((b + ++d) < (c + d)) ? c : (d++);
    return a;
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So Boyfriend's dad & da'd new wife will be coming over on Sunday since New Wife has surgery on Monday.

The garage is still a packrat nightmare. But the basement & spare bedroom are a lot more manageable right now.

I am 100% hiding many of my problems in the attic.

Which means in a few months, I'll be hanging out in the attic re-sorting and figuring out what to donate. 

The garage will look better by next weekend since some of the stuff is going to my Grams house and Best Friend's girlfriend is taking some of it too (she just bought a house) 

But yeah, really wanted to be unpacked and settled prior to dog.

But instead, I have a puppy super-manning it off the stairs since she hasn't figured them out yet while I try to sort & unpack 

I am having a hard time making it through my third book because i'm too mentally lazy and distracted to give it the attention it needs. It's a wonderful book and I don't think I'm giving it the time it deserves. 

well you have an exciting weekend ahead of you
I'm at a conference this weekend. Boyfriend gets to rake and do a dump run while I'm gone since he knows how much the clutter is getting to me (I don't handle disorganization well). But it's mostly my stuff that's in the garage so he can't do anything with it.

And also now we have duplicates of things: brooms, cleaning supplies, laundry baskets, etc. 

I am having a hard time making it through my third book because i'm too mentally lazy and distracted to give it the attention it needs. It's a wonderful book and I don't think I'm giving it the time it deserves. 
whats the book?

I get to read on the plane today and I'm excited

I am having a hard time making it through my third book because i'm too mentally lazy and distracted to give it the attention it needs. It's a wonderful book and I don't think I'm giving it the time it deserves. 
I like my library app because I can sign out a book for 21 days...Which means I can read a ton in the first couple of days I have it, ignore it for a week or two, and then cram-read the last couple of days before it is due.   Def get where you are coming from with the 'too distracted to give this book attention'.

@LyceeFruit having duplicates of cleaning supplies is never a bad thing, just saying.

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