October 2019 15k SPAM Thread

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Don't even get me started on intermittent fasting. There are so many people saying it's great, and you can still get gainz, and I'd love to try it, but the math just doesn't add up. 

So they say with a 16:8 split you can still gain. We'll it's a fact that humans can only process 8-10g protein in 1 hour. So if you're only eating for 8 hours, that means you can only process up to 64-80g of protein. But, others says you need 0.7-1.5g protein per lb of body weight (depending on hard/easy gainer). So for a 150lb guy, he's only getting like 1/2 the required protein within that 8 hour period. Idk.
I used to do IF and sometimes I miss it. But I've got to do more research into IE/HAES instead and work through that 

I'm not actively lifting rn (getting back into it - we're reorganizing my equipment tonight). But when I was doing Stronglifts 5x5, ICF 5x5, I was doing conventional.

I started seeing a trainer last year and he had be doing sumos since he needed to fix movement patterns. 

I like either one. I also just love deadlifts in general 
I had to take a break in August when I moved. Didn't get my rack up here until October. Just started back a week ago. Had to deload everything by like 40%. I don't like it.

Yeah.  It's the cash poor vs. loan poor that I'm trying to juggle right now.  Just did a big balance transfer from a c/c so I could consolidate a bunch of higher interest loans (think 10%+) into a shorter period that I know I can pay off.  It's just me trying to make sure I'm 'adult' enough to save for vacations and other flights that I didn't need to worry about when I lived in NY (and now I suddenly need to travel back there).  Also, you know, random friends changing their weddings so they're next year instead of 2-years from now like they originally said.
LadySquare and I share the Chase Sapphire card (at a minimum, I'd recommend the Chase Freedom card). We throw everything, and I mean EVERYTHING (bills, outings, food, Amazon, etc.) to rack up points and/or cash back. We do something similar to what's been discussed, basically accounting for fixed costs (unfortunately, our mortgage is crazy high), pay those off immediately after payday, and everything else that isn't fixed is a discussion if it can't be paid off immediately. We don't spend a dime on credit card purchases if it can't be paid off within a day or so. Keeping that up was the only way we could afford a place in CA. I honestly don't know how other people do it without family help (of which we have none). You SPAMMERS are so smart, you can do it!

I had to take a break in August when I moved. Didn't get my rack up here until October. Just started back a week ago. Had to deload everything by like 40%. I don't like it.
We did pretty good last winter then started training for a century ride (him not me) and studying (me not him) so it took a nose dive. And then I was basically living at his place but my weights were at my place. But now both me and my weights live at his place. And I think on Sunday, he regretted not having movers when he lugged 700+ lbs of weights up a flight of stairs. 

I also just love deadlifts in general 
I think most people don't like them starting off, but when the weight starts to add up it start to feel real good!

I started off with SL 5x5 a few years ago, but after plateauing on squat at 225 I moved to Starting Strength and broke though. The 5x5 just didn't allow me enough time to recover, and 3x5 was much better for me. I plateaued again then moved to Texas Method (I have both of Mark Rippetoe's books and think they're good). Then that became too much and I moved to a different program that is a little slower in gains, but I only do each exercise once a week and that gives just the right amount of time to recover and spend time with the family.

I can't say I relate to these budgeting and lifting posts, but hey, good for you guys.

I think most people don't like them starting off, but when the weight starts to add up it start to feel real good!

I started off with SL 5x5 a few years ago, but after plateauing on squat at 225 I moved to Starting Strength and broke though. The 5x5 just didn't allow me enough time to recover, and 3x5 was much better for me. I plateaued again then moved to Texas Method (I have both of Mark Rippetoe's books and think they're good). Then that became too much and I moved to a different program that is a little slower in gains, but I only do each exercise once a week and that gives just the right amount of time to recover and spend time with the family.
I started with New Rules of Lifting for Women and made it through stage 1. It was annoying & fussy AF - I  kept having to criss cross the gym to do all of the things. So I switched to SL5x5 and I did enjoy it but I wanted a little more accessory work so enter ICF 5x5. And then eventually, I had a running coach for my 1st marathon so we switched it up so my lifting would better support my running goals. And now the trainer I see, writes me a program to support my running & movement goals and works on fixing my imbalances - this is the best thing for me.  Isee him a few times a year for an evaluation and new program so it's great. 

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