October 2018 15k SPAM Thread

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just slightly short of knowledge to get me to pass my first two times... but this is a ~sign~ that i'm going to pass on my third time!

if not, you all will see the following headline on all major news outlets:

"rogue senate staffer jumps off Speakers Balcony in the Capitol. reason unknown"

but you'll know the reason.

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if not, you all will see the following headline on all major news outlets:

"rogue senate staffer jumps off Speakers Balcony in the Capitol. reason unknown"

but you'll know the reason.
semi serious question: do elected officials and staffers from one house have regular access to the facilities of the other house?

semi serious question: do elected officials and staffers from one house have regular access to the facilities of the other house?
All senators have a second office in the Capitol in addition to their original office, so that they can hang out if voting goes really late at night. My boss' office is TINY but there is the comfiest couch I've ever sat on in there and some pillows and a down blanket.

I THINK congressmen/women have these tiny offices in the Capitol too. 

what kind of other facilities are you talking about?

other semi-serious question: are we getting a CR or are we shutting down on Friday?
anticipating a 1- or 2- week stopgap and sadly enough even getting that much is a result of 41s passing :(   

if he hadn't passed, i think we actually would have gotten a shutdown. 

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Ohh I meant like senators (and staffers) accessing the house chamber (the big meeting room), and vice-versa. It piqued my curiousity when i saw the reference to the speaker's balcony, which yes I know is external to the building.

Ohh I meant like senators (and staffers) accessing the house chamber (the big meeting room), and vice-versa. It piqued my curiousity when i saw the reference to the speaker's balcony, which yes I know is external to the building.
I don't believe think there are any restrictions there. 

So shutdown at the middle/end of the month? ...cool...
I don't think so! I think they'll figure it out with the extra week or two. that's their goal anyways.

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