October 2018 15k SPAM Thread

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Who are some famous politicians you have met? 
I haven't formally met very many, but I see Senators in the hallways all the time. I've been walking my boss somewhere before and we walked by Senator Warren and they chatted for a few minutes. I've waited in line for lunch behind Senator Collins. I walked directly into Senator Graham while turning a corner once.

My best story is probably when I saw Senator Cruz absolutely shitfaced being assisted to his car (obviously he had a driver/was not driving) from the Capitol late at night the same day the tax bill passed. He had obviously been celebrating or drinking out of guilt. Could go either way there.

I see Senators Feinstein, Klobuchar, and Johnson daily (their offices are nearby). 

I did meet Ivanka Trump when she came in for a meeting. I've seen Jared Kushner in the halls too.

I haven't formally met very many, but I see Senators in the hallways all the time. I've been walking my boss somewhere before and we walked by Senator Warren and they chatted for a few minutes. I've waited in line for lunch behind Senator Collins. I walked directly into Senator Graham while turning a corner once.

My best story is probably when I saw Senator Cruz absolutely shitfaced being assisted to his car (obviously he had a driver/was not driving) from the Capitol late at night the same day the tax bill passed. He had obviously been celebrating or drinking out of guilt. Could go either way there.

I see Senators Feinstein, Klobuchar, and Johnson daily (their offices are nearby). 

 I did meet Ivanka Trump when she came in for a meeting. I've seen Jared Kushner in the halls too.
Well that's pretty cool! I only have one story of meeting a politician. I met Ron Paul at a campaign event he had for the 2012 primaries. Had some beers during his speech then told him he was my hero. Got to shake his hand. 

Well that's pretty cool! I only have one story of meeting a politician. I met Ron Paul at a campaign event he had for the 2012 primaries. Had some beers during his speech then told him he was my hero. Got to shake his hand. 
Thank you for being politically involved!!

Edit: Tops for democracy  :bananalama:

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lololololol clinging to the only thing that i'm right about because god knows what this week will bring.

thank goodness this site exists...knowing that the results could be given this week...its so hard to concentrate.

Trying to finish something due by the 13th.

How'd the trip go?

BTW, you missed nothing today
BAH.  I miss nothing every day; it just seems like everyone is up-in-arms about something.  Must be the cold weather!

Trip was really good!  Got to flex some structural know-how and not get shot down by a structural engineer (which means I might have even been saying correct stuff).  The people I went with (an engineer and ecologist) didn't know I did a ton of structural/waterproofing/As-Built inspections in my past, or that I did a ton of field work for TSCA/hazardous waste sites, so I think it was good.  Def made me feel better/confirmed that I wasn't a total idiot and they said they might use me on some of their future projects.  It's all about diversifying my assets. 😎

Now I should be working, but I'm thinking about dinner (closer than I expect!).  Should I...order a huge thing of Indian which is kinda pricey for one person or go to Costco, return some stuff, and buy a rotisserie chicken that will last me a couple days and is way cheaper?
Rotisserie chicken! Only because I always forget these exist.

It would be nice if I could save drafts of posts or threads for another time. It looks like I'm going to have to recreate the draft of the map thread tomorrow morning (and Thursday morning) just in case the results do come out.

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