October 2018 15k SPAM Thread

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No, it’s Wednesday, but please share your time machine if you invented one I would like to use it to win the $1 billion powerball from last month.  Ok?
If I were smart enough to invent a time machine, I'd be giving this test attempt/any future attempts a giant middle finger.

Congratulations!!! ❤️ I want to be an aunt...but my husband is an only child, so it all falls on my brother NO PRESSURE BROTHER
I have 15 nieces & nephews.  It is fun.  One of them is married now, so I guess that makes her hubs a nephew also?  So 16!

So have one of my favorite types of projects (new department store) ... except in remodel form, fast tracked, with a transitioning architectural team between offices, and nobody wants to make decisions.  I have spent most of this day wanting to punch someone.  And nobody will respect the slab.  Gahaaaaaaaaaaaa!


Ugh, I am so tired this morning.  I love when my parents are like "stay over the night, you'll get more sleep instead of driving an hour home" and then they stay up until 2am making noise, because they're retired and can wake up at 9:30am.

my parents were in town visiting, my mom had a terrible cough which kept me up 1-2 hours each night, and then i didnt get to nap on my days off! and then last night i had random insomnia like she trained me to wake up at 2am for her to cough :(  


my parents were in town visiting, my mom had a terrible cough which kept me up 1-2 hours each night, and then i didnt get to nap on my days off! and then last night i had random insomnia like she trained me to wake up at 2am for her to cough :(  
That sounds about right.  Last time my mom crashed at my place was due to me picking her up after a flight.  She ate all my cookies, left crumbs on my couch, and then left really late at around 11:30pm because my dad wanted her home (he missed her, but he is a tough old man who won't say that, so he said the cats missed her).


Yesterday after 2 posts I was no longer allowed to post, it said I had reached the daily limit. Is that a thing or does someone hate me?

That sounds about right.  Last time my mom crashed at my place was due to me picking her up after a flight.  She ate all my cookies, left crumbs on my couch, and then left really late at around 11:30pm because my dad wanted her home (he missed her, but he is a tough old man who won't say that, so he said the cats missed her).
that's kind of adorable. my parents work hard (their choice) when they visit me. on days i go to work they're asking for lists of things they can do while i'm at work 😮 

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