October 2018 15k SPAM Thread

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Thinking you passed this time?
I feel like I got probably 35 out of 40 in the morning, however for the afternoon I got stuck on a few that I sank way too much time into. I am some what concerned with the afternoon performance. I think about a 50% chance of passing. 

Maybe next cycle, I should call them "activities" and not "subphases"
Also please add one for the repeat test takers, the need to explain why this time is different to people who don’t care, such as explaining to the mail main that last time I failed I had bought a house and changed jobs but I quit my job, sold my house so I could study so now that I’m broke and homeless I should pass, right? (Said no one who passed ever)

I still feel weird everyday I get off of work and don't have to study. I've basically been doing that everyday for the past year. I need to find a productive hobby. Right now Red Dead Redemption 2 is filling that void. 


JK- I frickin' love that song

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