October 2017 15K, or get Matt267 PE banned, SPAM thread

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Still coming to this thread after getting results out of habit.  It is too great not to.  

When does the productivity come back?  I am too excited to get anything done.

dealing with the "good old days"! before the result was released, I hope I can burn them since they made September and Oct like living hell. last night when I organized them and clean up the desk, I found out" oh,,,good old days! :(, I love them actually. geez..but I already passed, am I crazy if I still keep them?



dealing with the "good old days"! before the result was released, I hope I can burn them since they made September and Oct like living hell. last night when I organized them and clean up the desk, I found out" oh,,,good old days! :(, I love them actually. geez..but I already passed, am I crazy if I still keep them?

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I am passing mine on to our next engineer to take the exam. Some of it at least.

I, personally, invested in DogeCoin. The online crypto currency favoured by Shiba Inus everywhere

At least it seems like BitCoin is doing much better than Facebook’s IPO, which was more like an IP-U. 
FB was way over valued when the IPO came out because everyone was in love with it. When the first quarterly earnings came out, everyone realised that it wasn't the money making machine that was promised.

Bitcoin on the other hand, there is no practical way to perform valuations on it because it is not back by any government, bank or asset. With that being said, the only thing driving it up is new money being tied up in hopes of a big pay day. Sooner or later the money will stop flowing in and people will begin to cash out. Good luck on trying to time that.

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Right now there is speculation going around that wall street is buying it up for futures trading next week. There might be some price manipulation going on here.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

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