October 2017 15K, or get Matt267 PE banned, SPAM thread

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Nachos in my belly. Feel better now.
I want nachos too. The other day, when I had dinner plans with friends, my fiancé apparently made a big batch of nachos. I got home too late for any. At least he used up the blah tortilla chips.

This board is here for you. While away the hours by spamming your little hearts' out, and let the results come when CTS finally decides to get off their butts and release them.
I plan on writing my state representative, urging the state to terminate their contract or whatever dealings they have with CTS. Because writing your representation in government makes a BIG difference

@leggo PE thanks for sharing travel times via different modes of transportation. i'm like, really into that.  :rotflmao:


I just hate when the market becomes crazy like this and there is no catalyst for these big jumps. Hopefully futures trading on Monday calms down the market.

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Good morning all!  Will today be the day for Illinois, or will I break my F5 button?  Stay tuned to find out!

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