October 2017 15K, or get Matt267 PE banned, SPAM thread

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Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

This thread would have a better chance of hitting 15k posts if NCEES would have delayed sending results out to states. Or I insisted that results can be released once all the states are ready to release results so everyone gets their PASS or PASS (failure isn’t an option 🙃) on the same day. 

We're not done yet...Still need something to do at the office between now and the new year when everyone actually starts working again...
See games forum. Lots of lost threads there to pass the time.

Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Ha ha, such a great movie!

Hi!  One of my co-workers is still waiting too.  :(   I felt kinda <really just a tiny bit> bad when I was so giddy on Monday when I found out but he was stillll waiting.  I hope they put you guys out of your misery soon.
Me too, or else I may never get work done again.  This week has been terribly unproductive, along with the fact I'm low on work so I have nothing to distract me from my lack of results.

Me too, or else I may never get work done again.  This week has been terribly unproductive, along with the fact I'm low on work so I have nothing to distract me from my lack of results.
Oh, I'm not sure which is worse... low work and lots of time to stress, or too much work and no time to stress... I had to buckle down after Monday, we are swamped right now. 

Oh, I'm not sure which is worse... low work and lots of time to stress, or too much work and no time to stress... I had to buckle down after Monday, we are swamped right now. 
I would definitely welcome the distraction of stressful work, that's stress I can handle.  The result waiting is not the type of stress I can handle right now.

I would definitely welcome the distraction of stressful work, that's stress I can handle.  The result waiting is not the type of stress I can handle right now.
I meant the so busy no time to stress about results, even though you know you are going to stress about results anyway.  :)   Like last week, for me.

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