Okay. Went to gym. Things got a little tight/sore squatting last night at the end of class, but this morning the whatever I have going on feels mostly the same/hasn't gotten worse, so I'm going to keep going to the gym. In my opinion, RICE didn't really seem to do anything (did that last week Wed-Sun) and I'd rather work it/stretch it at the gym and keep going than stop totally and hope it 'gets better'.
Last night was regular deadlift with 2-second negatives. It sucked. 6x4/, maxed at 217 lbs. Holding the grip while gently lowering it really was not my jam last night. Following that we did kettlebell RDL (green kettlebell), plank with kettlebell drag through (yellow kettlebell), and kettlebell split squat (25lb dumbbell)

30/:30 for 12 rounds). During the third round of split squats, the second time I had my 'weird leg' kicked back, that's when it started aching way more and I wasn't really able to keep my balance/steady, but when I switched to the other leg I was fine.
Last round was 3 min on/1 min rest, 3 rounds, of: 1 lap plate push (ugggggh, 15 kg), 15 goblet squats (blue kettlebell), 18 kettlebell swings (yellow kettlebell), and as many burpees as you can do in the rest of time before rest (I averaged prob 1 or 2 a round because the plate push is horrible). Around halfway through the second round, the goblet squats started aching really bad at the bottom of the squat/where I tend to bounce out of the squat. This was the only exercise that it really flared up, but the leg then got super weak/it was super hard to do the plate push? In the last round I asked the trainer if I could just do step-ups for the remaining time after I did the swings/squats and he said yeah. When I 'stepped' with the foot on the box, it kinda twinged, but it was fine when I stepped down, so idk. I did a little stretching after class, super quick, just arching in the direction away from the leg/grabbing the rack, and I could feel it on the outside doing something.
As previously said, it doesn't feel any more worse than it did the day before, so...yeah. Just going to keep trucking.