Nutrition, Diet, and Exercise: Notes, Goals, and Resources (these people just keep talking about crossfit)

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@JayKay PE i can share some of the stability exercises i got thru physical therapy. they helped with my knee issues very quickly! 

I hate to ask a cult question here but for those of you in the XF cult what has been the structure of your workouts?

my old gym (recently quit) was pretty consistent week to week, with every day started with some form of weightlifiting and then a metcon (with aerobic days mixed in)

But looking around I see that may not be the same?

We would mostly always have:

M,Th - Some type of lower body weighlifting, then a metcon

W- usually a long aerobic workout (with a mix of lightewight fast movement DB or BB)

T,F - Some type of upper body weightlifting / gymnastics and then a metcon

S - usually a long aerobic workout (running, rowing, sleds, etc with a mix of lightewight fast movement DB or BB)

Our previous owner did his own programming so we did less of the typical XF stuff (like Fran) and more of his workouts- same but different. But it sounds like thats not typical? jsut curious - sorry for the cult question this early in the week

I hate to ask a cult question here but for those of you in the XF cult what has been the structure of your workouts?

my old gym (recently quit) was pretty consistent week to week, with every day started with some form of weightlifiting and then a metcon (with aerobic days mixed in)

But looking around I see that may not be the same?

We would mostly always have:

M,Th - Some type of lower body weighlifting, then a metcon

W- usually a long aerobic workout (with a mix of lightewight fast movement DB or BB)

T,F - Some type of upper body weightlifting / gymnastics and then a metcon

S - usually a long aerobic workout (running, rowing, sleds, etc with a mix of lightewight fast movement DB or BB)

Our previous owner did his own programming so we did less of the typical XF stuff (like Fran) and more of his workouts- same but different. But it sounds like thats not typical? jsut curious - sorry for the cult question this early in the week
I'm not actually a member of a XF box. My corporate gym offers various classes including "cross functional training" which is taught by a certified XF instructor. But the gym class is a little more beginner level. There's a group of us who do our own XF-like workouts. 

I don't think the gym classes has any set pattern.

Our group often does some strength training first, then a WOD, then a core workout.

  • Monday is squats then WOD/core,
  • Tuesday varies but is usually a couple WODs/core,
  • Wednesday is "bench day"; so no XF WODs. It's a lot of bench/chest, but it's also kind of an independent work day. I often use Wednesday to get better at whatever I'm bad at (that when I would practice double unders. More recently I'm trying to improve my handstand pushup technique).
  • Thursday is a couple WODs/core. The guy who programs for us like to put Thrusters on Thursday (i.e. "Thrusters Thursday").
  • Friday is usually more cardio/metcon focused WODs.
Except for starting with squats on Monday and bench day on Wednesday. Everything else is subject to change at anytime.

From what I understand, one of the hallmarks of XF is "constant variation" (or "constantly varied"). So some people would argue that there shouldn't be any pattern to your training. It should always be something different to keep your body guessing. One of the things CrossFit instructors are taught is how to make workouts constantly varied but not random. I'm not smart enough to do programming, so I just follow the leaders. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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ok thanks - Ive only worked out at two other XF gyms, one was a long partner workout (sucks for drop in) and then a 15 min metcon. (no specific wieghtlifting)

Even though say it was an upper body workout every T / Th it was still different ( Floor Press, Push press, Push Jerk, HSPU, Push Ups, gymnastics stuff, etc) but I just wondered if other ones dont focus as much on the weightlifting part _ but it seems like they all have racks and weights.. but even on say "upper body days" there may still be a metcon with lots of heavy power cleans in it - 

Wife tried out a new gym today and it was just a very long warm up, reviewed the weight lifting movements for the metcon, a 20 min workout, and then a cool down -  she just said it was different, but good..

You subscribe to my gym, so you know some of our programming. We definitely have a warm-up, primer, WOD, accessory work, mobility on most days. We have a deload week every 5-6 weeks (which happens to be this week) and that week is lighter loads and more cardio before we jump back into the next cycle. There's usually some kind of emphasis for what we're lifting during a cycle, but we're still lifting a lot of things. We just might do more things on a Thursday that would get us to a final max rep check in week 5 or 6. 

If we have a 7 minute AMRAP, the accessory work is going to be another decent workout. 

My old body definitely depends on that warm up getting everything ready to go and then I need mobility after. I'm glad it's programmed in. 

So do you have days where its just weightlifting and no "metcon"?  We would have one of those every 2-3 weeks or so.

And is your  accessory work more like a weightlifting movement? Say PowerCleans or more like landmines?

We just didnt use that term at the hippy gym

Since CO makes you wear a mask, 2 months ago they started more weighlitfing and shorter WOD's - since people were literally walking out to take a breathe evey 5 minutes anyways.  - But thats been  ramping back to normal (15 -17 min wods- it helps the temps have dropped, but some exercises in a mask are just tough)

I guess I will just see how they go - trying out 2 this week - its just weird because all I can see is the "WOD" and not all the other stuff..  

Gonna be a little weird being the new guy at 5 am!

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There are definitely some days here and there that are just weightlifting. I wouldn't say they are the norm. Accessory work is more isolated strengthening- so core work, shoulders, old school curls. Some days accessory is legit just stretching, but focused on whatever we've been stressing the most. 

This morning was:

Rowling x 4- where you try to get to 100m on the dot and for every meter you're under or over you do that number of burpees

Three-way hip stretch

Walking lunge with twist- 50 ft

Bear crawls- 50 ft

(something else I can't remember)

5x inchworm with a push up

5 pull ups (ring rows if you nasty)

Then we grabbed dumbbells to do 2x:

5xDB burpee

4x DB front clean

3x DB front squat

2x tire flips (I FINALLY GOT TO FLIP A TIRE)


10 rounds of 

5 pull ups (or whatever alternative)

3 tire flips (DID I MENTION I GOT TO FLIP A TIRE???)

1 man maker (these are hideous)

Then after this

45 sec pigeon pose

10 cat cow

some other stretch

I ate super healthy on Sunday, Monday, and halfway through Tuesday.  And then I bombed Tuesday night with some candy + lots o' chips.  I think the headache I got from my black coffee made me go to sugary/carb food because I wasn't sure if it was a low sugar headache or just a tummy thing.

Back on track today.  I think I need to stay away from coffee.  It hasn't been helping me in the past and I really don't drink it anymore.

Congrats on the tire flip!

& yes **** the Man Makers! - like hmmm what could make a burpee worse,, ahhh yes,, lets add some weight...


So I went and crashed the 5 am slot at what might be the new gym - first take, the owner is on XF Seminar Staff, her PT Coaches were (at first glance / one class) much more qualified and professional than any of mine at my old gym. It was like the people from the XF Videos walked out of the computer screen into the gym.  I did get a lot of "coaching" today but it was all very helpful. 

There was a typical running warm up, burgerner warmup, then the sole event was 30 Min on The Minute of Power Snatches (guess my weight lifting fears went away).  I was stoked because we generally dont spent that much time on a weightlifting movement.

I was able to check my old account and we hadnt done a 1Rep Max for a snatch in over a year so I went pretty light. It was obvious that this wasnt a movement we do at a heavy weight becasue I was getting some extra attention - but it was like actually useful / helfpul.

Some dude in front of me did a 225 lb Snatch, it wasnt super pretty but it was up, I was like, damn we have been going to the aerbics version of XF I think!

So I told the wife I felt like we have defin been at the amatuer place.. Plus they have two bathrooms!

I feel like I should clarify we're in a deload week. 

Thanks! I asked our owner, "Is this a picture I should send to my parents to include in my baby book? 'Baby's First Tire Flip.'"

Thursdays tend to be our lifting days. I can't think of a ton of just cardio days. Our group definitely cherry picks and won't show up if it's only cardio. 

Power snatches and I are not quite friends yet. I can muscle snatch fine, but something about getting under the bar is not there for the power snatch. 

How do you ever start a workout if there's only one bathroom? 

Like I said, I'm not vegan. 

Speaking of Nutrition, Diet, Food, Meal Plans and Not CrossFit, has anyone else ever used RPDiet? I really like it. It's macros based. 

no but I mainly eat meats and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, a little starch, and no sugar 

I ate super healthy on Sunday, Monday, and halfway through Tuesday.  And then I bombed Tuesday night with some candy + lots o' chips.  I think the headache I got from my black coffee made me go to sugary/carb food because I wasn't sure if it was a low sugar headache or just a tummy thing.

Back on track today.  I think I need to stay away from coffee.  It hasn't been helping me in the past and I really don't drink it anymore.
I had to switch to decaf... I was starting to consistently get headaches from caffeine

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I also don't think anyone ever "bombs" their diet. You made a choice to eat those foods. Make the choice to eat healthier foods later. It's okay. 

I also don't think anyone ever "bombs" their diet. You made a choice to eat those foods. Make the choice to eat healthier foods later. It's okay. 
Hahahaha, oh yeah, I got right back on the train but I didn't overstress about it.  I think the coffee, which I used to drink all the time, ruined my stomach/gave me a super bad headache, so my body responded with comfort food to try and make things better.  To be honest, I don't like thinking of myself being on a diet because I'm not.  I'm just choosing to try and eat more protein and it's super hard changing my overall opinion on food.  My diet was always very red meat + starchy foods due to my family, and large portions, so I'm trying to identify better foods/ways of prepping them so I can enjoy them more. 

I'm not really keeping track of my weight number, more how my body as a whole feels and noting that clothes are feeling looser, but I do think tracking what I eat works better for me.  I def treat myself, and have no shame doing so, but I've slowly started making the portion smaller.  My big nemesis right now is buying chips at Costco.  That's too much freedom/the bags are so large that I can't really 'gauge' how much I eat even when I portion it out because it looks like the bag hasn't gotten smaller.  I might just start buying junk food like that from the local store.  I feel like the amount I eat from a normal bag will help my brain go, "Oh, you ate a bigger % than expected, maybe slow down a bit and save some for tomorrow if you want more".

In other news; last night strict press was 70lbs total (I remember when I could only do 5lbs on each side and I'd be shaking).  I feel if we had less reps per set I could have gone up in weight?  We had 3x5 as a warmup and then 5x5 as the actual working round.  So the weight def limited me.  And then conditioning was 14 lunges, 10 situps, and 6 burpees, AMRAP for 12minutes.  I forgot how many rounds I did, and my burpees were sad, but I'm happy I went.

And I ******* treated myself to the weekly special at my favorite restaurant: eggplant parm with basil mozzarella on a roll with a beer and a shot.  Dessert was a scoop of celery root ice cream.  They were delicious and I have no regrets eating something amazing (and this restaurant is super legit with portioning/keeping things at a real human size vs. most places in the midwest that just pile things on).

Whoops, I didn't talk about crossfit in the crossfit thread.

Uh.  Crossfit crossfit, jump on a box, Tia and Matt running, let me pick up this super heavy thing and THROW IT OVER MY SHOULDER ONTO THE GROUND.
Nice try. You already said AMRAPand burpees in your first post, so you indeed posted about CrossFit. 

Today was an EMOM with bike for a minute, front squat x 3 the next minute, alternating for 20 minutes. We were supposed to go up in weight each time and start at 60% of heavy. I looked through my notes and say "Front Squat (Heavy) 105-lbs" but I have no idea what that workout was- I think it was one rep? Anyway, I finished round ten of the front squats on 105 and I think I might have had a teensy more in me if we were looking for 1 RM. 
