@JayKay PE i can share some of the stability exercises i got thru physical therapy. they helped with my knee issues very quickly!
I'm not actually a member of a XF box. My corporate gym offers various classes including "cross functional training" which is taught by a certified XF instructor. But the gym class is a little more beginner level. There's a group of us who do our own XF-like workouts.I hate to ask a cult question here but for those of you in the XF cult what has been the structure of your workouts?
my old gym (recently quit) was pretty consistent week to week, with every day started with some form of weightlifiting and then a metcon (with aerobic days mixed in)
But looking around I see that may not be the same?
We would mostly always have:
M,Th - Some type of lower body weighlifting, then a metcon
W- usually a long aerobic workout (with a mix of lightewight fast movement DB or BB)
T,F - Some type of upper body weightlifting / gymnastics and then a metcon
S - usually a long aerobic workout (running, rowing, sleds, etc with a mix of lightewight fast movement DB or BB)
Our previous owner did his own programming so we did less of the typical XF stuff (like Fran) and more of his workouts- same but different. But it sounds like thats not typical? jsut curious - sorry for the cult question this early in the week
I had to switch to decaf... I was starting to consistently get headaches from caffeineI ate super healthy on Sunday, Monday, and halfway through Tuesday. And then I bombed Tuesday night with some candy + lots o' chips. I think the headache I got from my black coffee made me go to sugary/carb food because I wasn't sure if it was a low sugar headache or just a tummy thing.
Back on track today. I think I need to stay away from coffee. It hasn't been helping me in the past and I really don't drink it anymore.
Hahahaha, oh yeah, I got right back on the train but I didn't overstress about it. I think the coffee, which I used to drink all the time, ruined my stomach/gave me a super bad headache, so my body responded with comfort food to try and make things better. To be honest, I don't like thinking of myself being on a diet because I'm not. I'm just choosing to try and eat more protein and it's super hard changing my overall opinion on food. My diet was always very red meat + starchy foods due to my family, and large portions, so I'm trying to identify better foods/ways of prepping them so I can enjoy them more.I also don't think anyone ever "bombs" their diet. You made a choice to eat those foods. Make the choice to eat healthier foods later. It's okay.
Nice try. You already said AMRAPand burpees in your first post, so you indeed posted about CrossFit.Whoops, I didn't talk about crossfit in the crossfit thread.
Uh. Crossfit crossfit, jump on a box, Tia and Matt running, let me pick up this super heavy thing and THROW IT OVER MY SHOULDER ONTO THE GROUND.