Usually this is used with cotton wraps after competing/long show days. You slather this **** on, wrap it with pristine/beautiful white wraps, and then polo wrap on top, bute the horse for travel the next day.It also dyes your cabinets green when it accidentally tips over and leaks out!
congrats!Who did a banded pull-up at the gym this morning? This kid. I haven't tried one in a long time and I've been stuck with TRX rows/ring rows during quarantine, so today I decided to give it a go and I was able to do two. Then I put that ish away because the workout was a modified Fran that calls for 21-15-9 pull ups and thrusters and you know I did ring rows.
Actually, yes. We were working on sweep kicks, but then we transitioned to torso high kicks. I was pulling my kicks, because I'm nice. My partner, a much smaller woman who seemed ultra intense, was...not. I have a fairly big bruise on my hip bone area. She figured out after four or five kicks to start pulling them because a kick hurts, no matter how tiny you are. If I keep doing this, I def need to grab a pair of shin guards that aren't pull on/are strap on. I wear long leggings when working out and peeling off shin guards when I'm ultra sweaty takes you get to actually kick other people? I think some days I could defin use a roundhouse kick to the face! & Id like to give one as well, usually around every Wednesday afternoon..
we transitioned. I was pulling because I'm nice. My partner, a much smaller woman seemed ultra intense no matter how tiny you are. If I keep doing this, I def need to grab a strap on. when I'm ultra sweaty takes forever.
All this progress while mastering the sourdough. I am impressed.Shared with a few others on this board, wanted to share it here too.
I’m at the 6 month mark today, and I got this sweet before/after pic.
Top is 294 on 12/14/2019, bottom is 247 this morning.
Fair warning, shirtless pic incoming...