Front squat into push jerk, into back squat, LOL.i was hoping it was a new movement! i wanted to try it.
But where's all your food?I personally hate "apps". I'd rather not worry about tracking every last thing I do. I did that on my first get-ripped spree 12 years ago. I went from 226 to 178 by swimming (first 20 lbf) and P90X (next 28 lbf). Now that I have two kids, more responsibilities, and the want for "slower", I just make a plan and try to follow it (with the wife's help). My plan is simple:
"Eat Less, Move More". And I no longer graze for snacks or finish what my kids don't eat.
- Small breakfast (two fried eggs and coffee)
- Low carb lunch (today is cabbage and beans, hard-boiled egg, and a cutie)
- Simple snack (hard-boiled egg)
- Dinner (usually what ends up being the leftovers-for-lunch the next day)
- Run 3x - 5x per week between 2.5 and 4.5 miles
I'm rather surprised by my ability to run. I highly suspect both my knees have torn meniscus, but I'm making it. My knees are typically dang sore the morning after any run and they pop more often than before. Any squats, lunge, or jump stuff is no bueno. Should probably get it checked out, but I don't feel like destroying my HSA fund. :dunno:
Not much of that going to happen when you have Keto Breath.F me.
Congrats on the weight loss.On a positive note, after 14 days of food consciousness and running I've lost 12 lbm. I've fasted the past two Sundays and it's really not as bad as I thought. However, the following Monday's have sucked. Yesterday I built a gate (done at noon) to keep the chickens in the back yard and after that I felt bad overall (not sick, just blah) and was on edge with noises. Having two little boys includes lots of noises. Was not a good person to be around yesterday.![]()
My "Sunday fast" is from dinner on Saturday to dinner on Sunday (24'ish hours). I get hungry on Sunday about mid-morning, but I just ignore it and tell myself "you're fasting and won't eat until dinner" and hunger pains eventually vanish. I'm guessing the Monday blahs are just from my body reacting to no ready source of energy-in-the-tummy on Sunday. I have a general feeling of light-headedness on Monday.Does it make you crazy hungry on Mondys or something else?