Nutrition, Diet, and Exercise: Notes, Goals, and Resources (these people just keep talking about crossfit)

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Okay.  So gym update.  I might start horseback riding again on Sundays which, yaaaaaaaaaaaay, but this does mean that I might not be able to keep up with my proposed gym schedule of 3x during the week+ Saturday since it would mean I would be 'doing' something every single day/have no 'slack off day'.  I'm having trouble balancing free time with gym time with other stuff in my schedule (like cleaning my apartment, meal prepping because if I don't do it nobody else will?).

Thoughts on how to be more efficient?  I don't think I can plan every minute of my day, but I think if I keep doing the gym + horseback riding I'll need to get ultra strict with grocery shopping and other random items in my life that I don't really want to get strict on (like, limiting grocery shopping to 30-minutes).
Im not always excited about it, but I had to go to the gym at 5 AM or else it doesnt get done - does your gym offer really early classes?

The downside is I am now angry like a pissed off moose if I am up past 9:45...

Im not always excited about it, but I had to go to the gym at 5 AM or else it doesnt get done - does your gym offer really early classes?

The downside is I am now angry like a pissed off moose if I am up past 9:45...
My gym only does classes at 6am, 11:30am, 5:30pm and 6:30pm since it's a private gym with a obstacle course and classes run for around an hour.  I can't do the 6am class since I need to be at work at 7am.  Usually I aim for the 5:30pm class, since it means I can scoot home, change, then run back out with limited down time where I am tempted by eating right when I get home.  Wednesday I attempt to go to the strength class (6:30pm) and my trainer has kinda joked that I shouldn't be coming to the 5:30pm class on Thursday because it's a beginner class?  But I'm having trouble with attempting a solid 3x week + Saturday.  Tuesday I volunteer, so it's hard if I don't meal prep HARD on Sunday, which I usually forget because Sunday is the only day I have to myself.  Also, I like to go grocery shopping during the week, but it's hard to get it done before the Wednesday class (I like to hit up Aldi/Costco, which both close at 8pm, so I need to go before the 6:30pm class if I'm going instead of after).

I think I just need to mess with my schedule a bit more and talk to the instructor to see if I really am no longer allowed at the beginner class, or if I can go since it works with my schedule.  The place I volunteer isn't open on Thursdays, so I have to go on Tuesdays since I don't want to go during the weekend/Friday when it's ultra busy.

So what 4-5 things would you want in a basic home gym to get through a month or so quarantine?

Quarantine gym? Starting with no equipment?

Push ups and burpees, both don't require equipment.

Pull-up bar, dip stand or rings, kettlebell (swings, ohp, and Turkish getups), and a jump rope.

I’ve got:

Pull up bar
Jump ropes
Climbing rope (attached to garage ceiling)

Don’t want to deal with weights or bench - thinking about grabbing a 35 and 53# kettle bell?

adjustable Bench


treadmill (so I can one day beat @squaretaper LIT AF PE, @JayKay PE, and @NikR_PE at step count)

Barbell + weights

protein bars?
You will always beat me!  I WILL DO BETTER.

As for a quarantine gym...I would just do the exercise that the gym coach sends out.  A lot of them are body-weight exercises, which would work since I have nooooo equipment at my apartment and am not looking the getting any.

Silly as it may sound, if you want something cheap and low maintenance, I’ve been pleasantly surprised by our Bowflex. One caveat, by cheap I mean getting one off FB or CL that has never been used for anything other than a place to pile clothes. 

Welp.  My gym will officially be closed on 3/20.  Going to go to class this afternoon and talk to him/see what is going on since I bought a pass.  Have to start looking around at other gyms that allow small group classes (because I need motivation/don't know what to do when I am in the gym by myself).  Should be interesting, since a majority of gyms are closing now due to corona.  *siiiigh*
