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time to get new business cards!!!! :BK: :read:

hmmmmmm, im gonna be late to work tomorrow... im off to pick up a 12 pack


I'm sorry to hear that WarEagle. That sucks!

For people doing what we do, there isn't much on the test other than Cv values and pressure drop that we deal with regularly.

Keep your head up! :thumbsup:


Thanks. I keep reminding myself that. Actually TBak80 was my study partner... and an awesome one at that!! I KNEW he would pass it. Congrats TBak80!!!!!!!! You deserve it!!!

Studying with him reminded me of how long it has been since I have worked these types of problems and at what a disadvantage working in controls is for this test. I will take it again in Oct...



I don't remember if I asked you... What PM session did you do? I did machine design, but came close to doing HVAC. Please let me know if there is anything I can help with. I may, if I ever get time with the new job, the new baby, etc.. etc..., try to put together a list of the things I studied. I don't know if I ever will, but I have thought about doing it.


WarEagle, i looked for your name 100 different ways on the NCBELS website

:( :( :( :( :( :(

thats sucks, but think about it this way: you will now be WAY more prepared for next time! ANYTHING you need for October...

WarEagle - sorry to hear the news. You'll get it next time! I do mostly machine design, but a buddy of mine convinced me to take the HVAC section since that's what he does for a living and he said it was easy. I struggled a little with it, but I didn't find it too hard and passed this time.

Only thing I recommend is if you look at doing HVAC for afternoon - get up to date ASHRAE books. I took an older set (3 of the 4) and got surprised a LOT.

Congratulations to all in NC that passed. :claps:

Sorry WarEagle, you will pass in October. April was just preparation.

First of all - War Eagle - sorry, but don't give up - I certainly know something about trying to slog through material that you don't use everyday - you'll get there!!


I'M IN, BABY!!!! Wooooooo-hooooo!!!! PASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSED!!!!

My wife called me last night as I was sitting in - believe it or not - a PE prep class (had to start it for insurance before I knew).

Congrats to all NC'ers who made it this time!!!!!!!

:p :???: :beerchug :cig: :woot: :woot:

Well we were not the first to find out if we passed or failed, but I think we were in the top five to recieve a number. Thanks NCBELS for the great work and for promptly issuing license nimbers. WooHoo!!! :???: :beerchug :woot:

I didn't......looks like October will be my 3rd strike......I don't know If I have it in me........I'm actually surprised I failed......I was within one or two from passing in Oct. and this time I felt much better........obviously....I was feeling something else... :hung:

Dont feel bad. I don't see my name on the web either and October 2006 will be my 5th time. I am gonna have to take the exam in another state next time. Just think of it this matter how many no's we get in the mail...we only need ONE yes. :rotfl:

Did anyone get their letter today? I heard from one dude in Raleigh who got his this morning at his office.....

tst.........5TH TIME??????? I now have a new HERO......anyone that can be THAT get kuddo's from me......I'll be there in October then!

got my results in the mail today, failed 1st time. Nailed the transpo, bombed on geo. Guess I'll be there in October round 2 :brick:
