NFL 2014

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Football was the only topic he and I discussed. Usuall6 because it involved me bashing his pats and their inability to beat Eli and the GMEN.
Where are the GMEN this post season?

Go Pats!

Football was the only topic he and I discussed. Usuall6 because it involved me bashing his pats and their inability to beat Eli and the GMEN.
Where are the GMEN this post season?Go Pats!
Hahaha. Win a Superbowl after Spygate. Then twak. Till then, go paak your caar in the yaad
This is as good a year as any to win it. I may not know who will win it all this year, but I do know it won't be NYG.

the pats won't win it this year. They may get there, but too many of the NFC teams remaining with a legit chance to also make it, have strong, in your face defenses. TB doesn't handle those D's too well. See the two SB's he lost (both against the GMEN).

^^^^ There was a lot of luck involved in one of those wins. If my memory does not betray me, Eli did his best Roethlisberger impersonation, something he has never replicated, and then the WR had crazy glue on his helmet.

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^^^^ There was a lot of luck involved in one of those win. If my memory does not betray me, Eli did his best Roethlisberger impersonation, something he has never replicated, and then the WR had crazy glue on his helmet.
very true, but the one that was replicated was the manner in which to beat brady. Hit him early and often. He starts to hear footsteps and then giselle takes to social media to complain about his teammates.

Pats have been a roller coaster/crap shoot for a few games this year. It's all about who shows up to play on game day. I hope Brady and crew can get another ring.

The play today in the Boyz vs Lions game WAS pass interference. I told my son even before the ref threw the flag. It challenges the imagination to understand why it was picked up but it definitely was pass interference. The defender never played the ball. Have seen similar plays the whole season and it was always flagged. Dallas got a late Christmas gift.

That Santa Jones had to pay a lot of money for.

what are everyone's predictions?

Divisional Round:

New England > Baltimore

Indianapolis > Denver

Seattle > Carolina

Green Bay > Dallas

Conference Championships

New England > Indianapolis

Seattle > Green Bay

Super Bowl:

Seattle > New England

(choosing both #1 seeds to appear in the super bowl clearly shows i'm a football genius)


what are everyone's predictions?

Divisional Round:

New England > Baltimore

Indianapolis > Denver

Seattle > Carolina

Green Bay > Dallas

Conference Championships

New England > Indianapolis

Seattle > Green Bay

Super Bowl:

Seattle > New England

(choosing both #1 seeds to appear in the super bowl clearly shows i'm a football genius)

Seattle will somehow crumble under Carolina. I've got to pick an underdog somewhere in that lineup.

Seattle will somehow crumble under Carolina. I've got to pick an underdog somewhere in that lineup.

no way jose. Indy and Baltimore have a better chance to upset imo.

As much as I want Carolina to win, I don't see them upsetting Seattle on the road.

I do not want Carolina to win. Cannot withstand jerks and Newton is a first rate one.

It is funny because Carolina used to be a team I liked.

Divisional Round:

New England > Baltimore

Indianapolis < Denver

Seattle > Carolina

Green Bay > Dallas

Conference Championships

New England > Denver

Seattle > Green Bay

Super Bowl:

Seattle > New England
I wavered over NE and Denver, but in the end, peyton always ends up losing to brady.

Sea's D will wreck NE

In other news I won my work fantasy football leauge ! $200 to me :D

All I know is I didn't know who Lavon Bell was before this season but he was a lifesaver!!!

I do not want Carolina to win. Cannot withstand jerks and Newton is a first rate one.

It is funny because Carolina used to be a team I liked.

He's the one reason I'm only an in-between Carolina fan, despite living here. (Not like the Jets are much better.)
